
Being grateful for your life and all those things, persons and experiences that your life is consisted of is in my opinion very important in order to learn to love yourself and have a positive outlook as well as forgive those who you think might have hurt you. I decided today to make an alphabetical list of things in my life that I am grateful for and I have decided to post it here with the intention of urging you as well to take some time and write down things that you are grateful for. The list doesn't need to be replete, in fact it would be better not to be so that you can make it a habit of adding five new things that you are grateful for every day.

Also, recently I realised that we all possess a mind with tremendous creative and destructive power and if we want to see our lives changing we must start making use of the creative power of our mind. This is very important! I hope that you will too realise that there is no point in prolonging this torture we all feel because of our anxieties and that you will start making positive changes to your life beginning with the most crucial thing which is the transformation of the negative thinking into a positive one. I know that the task might seem a bit daunting, but it is always difficult at the beginning. Cease at once all the negative thinking even if it seems realistic and reflects your life as it currently is. Visualise and think of a happy life, a life free of anxieties and profuse in its blessings, beauty, goodness. You can do it!

Here is my list:

A: attraction, animals, art

I am grateful for my being attractive and for the feeling of attraction I often experience, either sexual, intellectual or spiritual.
I am grateful for all the animals that I enjoy observing in nature and which make life more beautiful.
I am grateful for the existence of art which beautifies our lives and let us glimpse of higher realities. I am also grateful for the works of art that I am able to create.

B: body, birdsongs, beauty, brother

I am grateful for my body which is literally my vehicle in this life.
I am grateful for the beautiful birdsongs I have the opportunity to enjoy while being in nature.
I am grateful for the beauty that I see all around as well as my own.
I am grateful for my brother whom I have spent a great deal of my life with and have had many common experiences with.

C: creativity, care, colours

I am grateful for my creativity which is essential for the creation of art.
I am grateful whenever I have the opportunity to take care of other people or when I am the recipient of such care.
I am grateful for the colours I have in my possession and which I can use to create beautiful works of art.

D: dreams

I am grateful for my dreams which are often beautiful and sometimes even insightful.

E: expression, elation, experiences, education, economic sufficiency, Earth

I am grateful for being able to express myself.
I am grateful for those rare moments of elation which augment my faith and my love for life.
I am grateful for all the experiences I have which make up my being.
I am grateful for all the education that I have received throughout the years helping me become a more whole individual.
I am grateful for having a sufficient amount of money to live from.
I am grateful for our planet which accomodates all of us and provides us with everything we need to live our lives.

F: forest, freedom, furniture, femininity, father, Father, food, friends

I am grateful for the forest in close proximity to my home where I can often take strolls, enjoy nature and the serenity of the woods.
I am grateful for the furniture which decorate my home and make me feel warmer and more comfortable.
I am grateful for the feminine side of my existence which helps me look at things with balance and the wisdom and sensitivity of a female.
I am grateful for the father who brought me to this world and contributed in raising me.
I am grateful for the Father who resides in Heaven and who gave us all the opportunity to enjoy his creation and aspire to know him and be like him.
I am grateful for the food which I have in abundance, which nourishes my body and sustains its mechanism.
I am grateful for all the friends I have had throughout the course of my life and all the experiences I share in common with them which will last forever.

G: gratitude, grandparents, goodness

I am grateful for learning to embrace gratitude in my life which will most certainly enrich it.
I am grateful for my grandparents for bringing up my parents and offering me their love and support.
I am grateful for all the goodness I happen to witness through my daily life. I am also grateful whenever I am the recipient or the donor of acts of good will.

H: hearing, health, humour

I am grateful for my sense of hearing which vastly augments my satisfaction of living and ability to create and enjoy music.
I am grateful for being of good health.
I am grateful for all the humour in my life which helps me be less self-absorbed.

I: intellect, imagination, I AM

I am grateful for my intellect which helps me analyse and understand the events of life gradually acquiring wisdom.
I am grateful for my imagination which can often be revelatory and which most certainly is essential for the creation of art.
I am grateful for being what I am.

J: job, Jesus

I am grateful for having a job, thus being able to contribute to society and advancing my desire of becoming a financially independent individual.
I am grateful for Jesus, his love and his teaching which serves as a model of living.


L: lake, love, life

I am grateful for the small lake near my home which is a beautiful sight and a source of income for my aunt's restaurant.
I am grateful for all the love I receive and give in my life.
I am grateful for being given the opportunity to live and experience the beauty of the creation.

M: mother, masculinity, music, mind

I am grateful for my mother who brought me to this world and dedicated many years of her life raising me and my brother to the best of her abilities.
I am grateful for the masculine side of my existence which keeps me down to earth and helps me be realistic whenever it is needed.
I am grateful for the music I have so far composed and the music of others which I greatly enjoy hearing enriching my life.
I am grateful for my mind, the mechanism behind every action and the link with my soul and the spiritual realm.

N: nature, nostalgia

I am grateful for nature and all its wonders, without which our lives would not be possible.
I am grateful for the feeling of nostalgia which helps me remember and experience anything that I held dear in my heart or that I long to see someday realised.


P: personality, presents

I am grateful for my unique personality.
I am grateful whenever I am the recepient or donor of presents


R: roof, relatives

I am grateful for having a roof to live under, a place which I can call home.
I am grateful for all of my relatives who have supported me throughout my life and whom I have spent many hours with.

S: smelling, sounds, security, sun, sky, sexuality

I am grateful for my sense of smelling.
I am grateful for the infinite number of sounds that exist in nature and embellish the creation.
I am grateful for my being safe and secure at all times.
I am grateful for the Sun without which our beautiful planet would be a barren place.
I am grateful for the sky which often offers magnificent sights whether it is day or night.
I am grateful for my sexuality, being able to experience parts of life from a rather uncommon perspective.

T: treasures, touch, taste, truth

I am grateful for the little treasures that I occasionaly come across in my life whether they are of a material nature or not.
I am grateful for the sense of touch, perhaps the greatest guide my body has in this life.
I am grateful for the sense of taste.
I am grateful for the truth which is gradually revealed to me throughout my life and gives meaning to it.

U: uniqueness, universe,

I am grateful for being a unique creature, a part of the experiential and existential manifestation of Father's will.
I am grateful for the universe, the wholeness of creation and its magnificence which make me feel truly humble and forget any feelings of self-importance.

V: vision, visualisation, voice

I am grateful for my sense of vision which gives me the opportunity to see all the wonders of this life.
I am grateful for my ability to visualise anything I desire and wish to see materialised
I am grateful for my voice which helps me communicate with other people, let myself known, share and express things.



