Grad school woes


Well-known member
So, I got into grad school!
Now I am questioning if I have a clue what I am doing. I am enrolled in two classes, and the instructors are working together. We had to post topics to study for one class a few weeks ago. I had to change my topic from what I originally wanted, but got my new one posted fine.
For the other class, we were supposed to post our topic AFTER the other instructor approved it (so, the same topic, but had to be confirmed by the instructor of the first class). I thought this was due on Wednesday, but didn't see any posts, and had not gotten any feedback from the first instructor about my topic, so I didn't post anything. Today, I saw an email from the second instructor that we needed to post the topics ASAP, since they were due on Wednesday. When I looked at the discussion board, I realized that you could not see replies until you replied (which is why I didn't see anything earlier). After I posted my topic, I looked at other posts, and saw that someone else has the same one as me (she is not in my other class--so she must be in a different section). I feel a little dumb. Maybe I should have asked about the topic, due date, etc.


Well-known member
New problem: I have to do professional shadowing for 2 hours. I forgot about this, and the written portion is due this Sunday by midnight. I have contacted 3 people, and haven't heard back. The only time I have available is tomorrow morning and Thursday (I could have done it Friday, Monday, or this morning, but since I was waiting for responses...). I have another idea of someone to ask, but feel really bad for the late notice. I am also debating whether to try to contact one of the other people (who said he would call me Friday--it is now Tuesday. I told him the due date and when I would be available, so I don't know why he hasn't gotten back to me yet). This is really stressing me out, and I have a lot going on this week as it is. I just want to get it over with.