Got SA? Live in SK? Need to see a Psych? MOVE TO AB!!


I've probably had SA for quite awhile now, but just thought I was excessively shy. Anyhoo, over a year ago I found out about SA and thought I should go to a doctor and get a referral to a psychiatrist or a psychologist. I should mention that this was while I was still living in Saskatchewan. I was put on a waiting list that was over a year long and the doctor put me on Paxil to help with the anxiety in the mean time.

I ended up having to move to Alberta to go to college (I thought my SA was bad in SK. Moving to a place where I knew no one was like the worst torture you could think of.) and I still hadn't heard anything back from a psych. I ended up going to a doctor in AB to get a referral to a psych and in less than a month I was booked for an appointment. I would have got in sooner, but the psych was on holidays.

The wait lists in Saskatchewan are so terrible. I don't like Alberta, but I am happy that the province can fulfill my medical needs in a timely manner.


New member
I know what you mean...I've waited over a year and finally got a letter in the mail for an appt. in january but don't even need it anymore.