good day today!


Well-known member
Hey, I was at a party today and this guy I really like gave me a handshake, well he gave everyone sitting at the table...I have a crush on him really and I don't think I'll ever wash that hand again..kidding..this sounds juvenile I know, I'm too old for this but I can't really help myself :D :oops: Can you believe it? He shook my hand! I just want a boyfriend really...just to know what it feels like...but who am I kidding I'm to freaking stupid for that..I'm like a headless chicken running about (or that's the way it feels sometimes!)..he even said goodbye to me..which was nice..even though he probably hates me at least he's kind enough to not show it, which is noble of him!


Well-known member
Awwww that's so sweet :D

Isn't it a great feeling? Is he single??? I would find out.

I feel God/The Universe/Whatever you believe in has a way of putting this all together for us. You just have to want it badly enough!!!!

Keep us posted. i am so excited for you.
That's great! But why do you think he would hate you?? Most people won't hate someone unless that person did something bad to them or something...Did you?

You should keep on just hanging around him, so he notices your presance and maybe eventually talk to him :)


Well-known member
Enjoy the feeling! I can imagine you want it never to end. I hope you get more luck!


Well-known member

No no nothing bad, I guess it's just my social anxiety making me suspicious or something. Luckily I have talked to him on a few occasions, but as you might guess it didn't go too well; the conversation pettered out in about..oh let's see? 10 seconds! Still, I'll remember those times for as long as I live! :)


I don't one point he was talking on his mobile to someone, a girl I presume, and he was talking about how nice a weekend he had had and all the fun things they had done together and how nice this weekend would be etc. He was talking like you wouldn't talk to a friend or family...but I have a suspicion he was just pretending it all to make me envious or to dampen my crush on him..there was just something not right, or fishy about the whole thing, I couldn't shake of the feeling that he was faking it, but I don't know..I think he's single. Oh sorry I just remember another time where he explically said in class: 'If I ever get a girlfriend and get married...etc.' so he is single I'm sure...


Yeah..this guy is just driving me crazy..I know it's not real, I know it's just an ideal I have of him, put him on a pedestal, not the real him, it's an illusion but it's a nice one and I don't want it to end.. :cry: