going to a wedding...:s


Well-known member
Im going to a wedding for the first time in the spring. all I know about them is that people drink and dance a lot

well I dont drink so Im not really optimistic about "loosening up" and I never dance either. I wont really know anyone at the wedding either.

I want to go though just so Ican see how they go.

but Im afraid because of my SA. so does anyone have any tips or warnings? what can I do while Im there??


Well-known member
Make sure you eat and drink water before the wedding. It's actually worse if you don't eat because your body will become weak. Also, think about how much fun you will have and that may help you not think about your SA. That helps me.

Since you don't know many people at the wedding, the best thing to do is dance. That gets everyone talking and it's so much fun. If you really don't like to dance, you could take pictures. Taking pictures may have people come up to you and ask to take their picture and a lot of times, that is a conversation starter.

Try to talk to people and introduce yourself. They won't judge you and who knows, maybe you'll become friends with some people.

If I think of anything else, I'll post again. Just have fun and I'm proud of you for going out and not just hiding from the scene. You'll have fun. And remember, you don't need to drink to have fun.


I had a similar problem recently as I had a wedding to go to and while it was a good friends wedding I too felt awkward as it was a formal social event and not just going partying and hangin with mates and dancing.

If youre really against drinking (which I finds loosens me up a bit) I'd take cas's advice and dance... I know it can be hard if u feel yor not a good dancer and its only natural to get embarrassed but the thing is hardly anybody are good dancers and thats really not wot its about anyways.

It's about feeling free and having a good time. For me personally dancing is my favourite activity and I try to do it at least once a month and when I dance I look like Im havin a seizure! but no-one really cares.

Oh... and I takin pics is a great idea :)


Well-known member
I have never danced at anything ever :s

taking pics is an idea but again I dont really know how to get everyone "together" for pics, especially people I dont know and especially when there is going to be a professional photographer at the wedding!

gahh =[
Heres the thing about ppl with cameras.
EVERBODY listens to them.
proffesional or not its like some ingrained thing you tell 20 ppl to mve 2steps to the left and they move 2 steps to the left.
You'd be surprised how ppl will blindly follow directions from a photographer... it's quite funny actually.

And if u feel uncomfortable shouting out loud to get everyone to move find a loudmouth to do it 4 you. Loudmouths love any excuse to yell... give it a try.

And furthermore... don't feel nervous about being at the wedding cos theres always some drunken idiot that draws all the attention to his/her self.
At my best friend wedding I was that drunken idiot. I was yelling shit out during dinner and the speeches, I spilled red wine all over my mate, I tried to breakdance on gravel, I was moo-ing at cows (there were cows there), and finally I passed out in the middle of everyone.

Theres one at every wedding so If u start to feel edgy remind yourself that these ppl exist



Damn weddings. There are always some groups that I have to join including some girls and guys. I have to join becouse I feel stupid when I sit behind my family. And they think that Im a suckling.