going through Air Force Boot Camp with SA


Active member
So I'm wanting to know if anyone here is in a military branch that has gone through bootcamp with social anxiety and has come out ok. Which would be my case if I did join (which I probably am.) But me personaly things do get me down pretty easy and I often feel like I screw up alot. I'm 20 and have only taken 1 quarter of college because I can't get motivated enough to sign up for classes. But my social anxiety has been getting better since I have moved out with a Highschool friend. But if you can't relate to this in that you have gone through Boot camp with SA. Then what is your opinion. Thanks.


Well-known member
Well your braver than me then if your going for it,all i wanted (and still do to a degree) is to be in the army,but sa and other issues have allways stood in my path.I feel as if its my true calling but cant step up to the plate and go for it and its annoying :(

Hope you do ok :)


Well-known member
Clash said:
So I'm wanting to know if anyone here is in a military branch that has gone through bootcamp with social anxiety and has come out ok. Which would be my case if I did join (which I probably am.) But me personaly things do get me down pretty easy and I often feel like I screw up alot. I'm 20 and have only taken 1 quarter of college because I can't get motivated enough to sign up for classes. But my social anxiety has been getting better since I have moved out with a Highschool friend. But if you can't relate to this in that you have gone through Boot camp with SA. Then what is your opinion. Thanks.

You are braver man then me to.I cant see social anxiety and bootcamp going to gether very well but that just me.Do what you feel is right.
I did it. The great thing about boot camp is you don't really have to talk to people. Shoot you get yelled at for it! I have a natural defense mechanism of sorta shutting down. I just go through the motions and feel nothing. It is probally an unhealthy habit but it really helped me get through boot camp. Oh and remember its there job to yell at you. It really is nothing personal.


Well-known member
I went thru Basic Training in the Army in 1969, well before anyone had identified SPia as an illness AFIAK. All thru Basic and Advanced Individual Training, there are just so many people that no individual really ever stands out unless they try to. You just blend into the crowd, and I have always had a chameleon-like ability to blend in and not be noticed. One unsolicited word of advice: don't join any branch of the military. There is no honor in it and it's simply a waste of your time. I volunteerd for the Draft ( yes, they had a draft back then and I was going to be drafted, like it or not) and was fortunate to be stationed in Germany for 17 months. Hated the Army, really enjoyed Germany. It's unlikely that you will be so lucky. It is possible that you may get useful training that _might_ prepare you for a career on the outside, but you would be far better off going to college or a good trade school. _Make_ that work! ABTW, you can blend into the crowd in college just as well. In either case, keep your mouth shut, never volunteer for anything, and do what you are told to do.


Clash said:
So I'm wanting to know if anyone here is in a military branch that has gone through bootcamp with social anxiety and has come out ok. ... Thanks.


Active member
thanks for the feedback

jellybeanorg said:
I did it. The great thing about boot camp is you don't really have to talk to people. Shoot you get yelled at for it! I have a natural defense mechanism of sorta shutting down. I just go through the motions and feel nothing. It is probally an unhealthy habit but it really helped me get through boot camp. Oh and remember its there job to yell at you. It really is nothing personal.

Can you tell me a little more of what you mean by you getting yelled at for not talking? Or if you have an example.
thanks again.


Well-known member
I went to the Air Force without knowing anything about SA. During boot camp, it’s almost impossible to even think about SA. You’re part of the group and the group is always being watched – and yelled at (but it’s NOT personal). The instructors will break you all down (no favoritism) and then build you back up. I always did what I was told and still got yelled at. You get used to it quickly and no one laughs because it’s so much a part of the normal boot camp life. At your technical school (where you actually train for your military job) it’s a bit more difficult with SA. You have more freedom to socialize and that’s hard with SA. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. In a way, SA is not allowed in boot camp; you’re too busy to worry about it.
Oh I am sorry! What I meant by getting yelled at for talking is that in general drill instructors want you to just keep you mouth shut and do what they tell you. So for me , since talking to people I don't know is a major problem, made it easier for me. I didn't have to worry about making friends or anything. I just did what I had to do and got on with it.
I too got to go to Germany and it was AWSOME. I was in the Army. I hated the Army. Airforce is definatly a more friendly military!


Active member
But is there ever any freetime where you are just sitting around and don't have anything to do. Like on say a sunday when you don't do as much... Yeah after bootcamp I think I may try and get stationed in japan. Atleast that would be my first choice. I've always wanted to visit there.