Going Out For Dinner


Active member
So my family's going out for dinner tomorrow because it's my Dad's Birthday and I'm trying to force myself to go...but as usual so many little things get in the way...going out the front door and waiting besides the car to get in...which sucks in my garden because my house is high up and it's right next to a main road...with cars going by and buses every 5 - 10 minutes...so a lot of people will see me...

Then the resturant is in town which makes it even worse...not in the center though just on the edges kinda...that means I'd have to walk a little through the shops and whatnot...

I havn't been out with my family since 2006 so it's been a while...it's a Chinese resturant too which is my favourite so that's a plus...I really want to go but those factors above are in the way...I've only left the house once this year too...but I'm gonna do my best.

I'll report back tomorrow and let you all know if I did it, lol.


Well-known member
My family went out to an Indian restaurant tonight but I didn't go so I'm home alone now, it's partly because I want to lose a bit of weight though..

Good luck! if you go enjoy your food :D


Well-known member
ahhh Jake, i really really hope you go..specially cause you like chinese food..is there one of your family members you feel more comfortable around you could sit next to? and..whatcha gonna order? :wink:


Active member
Oh well I didn't do it, and it wasn't even my SA that stopped me, it was my Crohn's Disease which was playing up...so that's got me real angry today...I was kinda ready for it too...so it was just plain bad luck I guess.

Now I wish I never made this thread because I feel like an idiot now, lol.