Going back to school


New member
I'm a senior in HS. I was sick for about two months back in the fall, and since then I haven't been able to go back to school. I've got no problem with anyone at school, friends, classes, etc. But I just can't seem to get back to going. I talk and hang out with my friends on a regular basis, but actually going to school is something I can't do for some reason. It is really starting to become a problem because I need to be there for the next semester to pass HS and graduate with my class/go to prom/etc. Over winter break, I read up about social phobia and it got me to thinking. I have been seeing a psychiatrist for about a month now but nothing we talk about seems to be helping me. It's really discouraging because I'm sick of being at home and not being at school. I want nothing more than to be at school and be regular but I can't actually physically attend school. I don't get it and it is so frustrating. I came here to ask for some help from people who probably have first hand experience with this sort of thing or something like it. Thanks in advance for your help.


Well-known member
you need to ask yourself why you cant go back, take a minute and just think about it, do u feel anxious or scared or dont wanna do work etc?
unless you feel anxious or panicy about it then it might not be SP
if u just feel something will go wrong then keep telling yourself things like, i'll have fun or ill make lots of new friends & i cant wait to see how things have changed, if u keep positive them maybe you'll go back and see that it'll all be ok
maybe its an OCD that makes your body think that it cant go back, think of your symptoms and type them into the comp, you might surprise yourself :)


New member
I think I can't go back because it has been so long since I have been there and I'm afraid of what people might say. I've always been a person who really needs to be accepted and liked, but after this, I think I fear that I will be thought of as weird or something like that. I've tried driving even into the parking lot but when I get to the turn on the street, I get panicked and am not able to do it. And the worse part is that I realize by staying out of school longer that it makes me even more vulnerable to people thinking I am strange/weird/etc, but I can't help feeling this way. I don't really know what to do. Thanks again in advance for any help or advice.


Well-known member
well since you've been off so long people will prob help & welcome you back even more, just explain that its tough cus its been so long and im sure they'll be nicer than you think, keep happy thoughts going :D
maybe go to your doc for a tablet to control the panic for the first few days so u can make it through the door & keep in mind that once your first days over then all the rest will get easier from there


Active member
People might wonder why you've been off for so long but they have no reason to think you're wierd/strange because of it, just keep telling yourself that. If they do think it's wierd then it's their problem not yours cos you can't help being sick..

I would suggest you just take a leap and be brave, set a date in the next week or so for when you're going to go back and stick to it, and when you're going to school try not to let your fears take over by thinking positively/rationally about it all.

It might be hard the first day cos you've been off for so long, many people would feel a bit anxious about going, but soon enough as you go back into the normal routine it'll be fine.