goin to the doctor


New member
hi, this is my 2nd post, I'm 17
I talked to my mom about my social phobia and got her to make an appointment with a psychiatrist. How do I talk to him? Do i tell him i think have the social phobia, or do i tell him him my experiences? I'm afraid he'll think I'm over exaggerating and making something out of nothing, and I'm just lookinf for attention.
Can you guys give me some advice?


Well-known member
Nah, man. Dude's not gonna make you feel inferior - afterall, it is his job to help people like you. And even so, if he really does think you're making something out of nothing, he'll make it his job to help you overcome it.

And anyway, you sought help. That in itself is a brave thing to do. Good job man, I really hope it works for you!

That said, welcome to the boards. Hope to see you around :)


Well-known member
Chances are, he'll ask you questions or tell you to talk about your problems. He's a professional, he'll see how uncomfortable you are and understand your problem. You'll be fine and I admire your courage!


Well-known member
I went to my first meeting on Monday with the psych-worker and it wasn't at all what I thought it would be. Firstly there were 2 of them instead of the one I was expecting (one asked Qs the other recorded) and Secondly they made me feel totally relaxed (I didn’t think I would be) by being very professional and courteous. Although nervous about what was to take place I ended up unloading almost everything during 2 and a half hour’s (it felt like 1hour, seriously)!!! :eek:
Remember Adam, the psych-worker will keep you on track on what to say, even if you go off on a tangent, they know what to look for and remember the most important thing, to just tell the truth about what you're experiencing.
All the best m8