Givev me your best diagnosis/ s.a or paranoia


New member
hi i am a young student from the u.k. it is driving me crazy because i think that i have S.A, but am not sure if its paranoia or wat. i am 16 and my brother has S.A. my family have moved around a lot and i have never been able to make close friends but i have always been able to tlak clearly speak in front of big groups with ease. i actually enjoyed it. i always have made friends quickely. but latels i dont know if my brothers got it thats y i think like this but it seems that i have to think about what saying before i say it. but i never have trouble speaking when spoken to but sometimes when i am out with my friends i have nothing to talk about, i am not sure if they are not my type of people ( which they arnt really) or i have S.A. because i can crack jokes and take the piss outa people (as a joke) with ease. like i see ur topics and u say that u get nervous. i dont get nervous but on occasions with a few people i dont have anything to say and its ohh did u have a nice day and thats bout it. maybe someitmes i think its because i am not with my kind of people (chinese) and i seem to get long with them better and create conversation with them better. please someone give me there best diagnosis. occasionally i get sweaty but not that much. i dont get emmbaresed or anxious. please give me ur best diagnosiss. thank you


Well-known member

Everyone gets anxious or nervous occasionally.

You can make friends but not close friends. You enjoy speaking to others. You sometimes feel though that you cannot relate to your friends on a deeper level.

I personally feel from your post that what you want in your life is intimacy and deeper meaningful realtionships. You have friends but they seem two dimensional like something is missing.

Lots of people have relationships like this, to embrace intimacy and deeper relationships we need our selves to be more intimate and open with others about our feelings. They then can realate on their level to us on ours.

Did you ask your brother about how you were feeling?
