

Well-known member
You are not supposed to even think about that if you have social difficulties.
Why cant you think about it? I do all the time. When i meet a really nice girl I explain to her my SA. This sorta helps because then I dont look like a complete dummy when i say something stupid.
well dont walk up to girl and say you have SA. Start small, find one thing i common and go from there. introduce yourself and make a impression.


Active member
Every time I've had a girlfriend it was the result of really pushing myself hard to get out there and socialize.

There's a lot to it and the only thing that got me through the tough parts (getting rejected, drama, heartache) was really working my desire for sex and a relationship into a furry.

If you lack the desire, you're just going to quit the first time you get rejected and its going to take a lot more than 1 rejection to find a girl you can really connect with.


Well-known member
ya i'm pretty sure i'll never have a girlfriend for two great reasons. #1 Why would a girl want to be around a guy with SA. #2 How would i overcome my SA to get a girl?
I have the same problem, but i notice that some girls just dont care. Hell, there are girls out there too that have SA. You just gotta take the opportunity because it will never again happen in your life.


Well-known member
i would love to have a boyfriend right now...sooo lonely and just want someone to spend all my time with :(


Well-known member
It would be hard for me to have a girlfriend, even though I really want one. I have so many insecurities, and not to mention the SA.


Well-known member
The OP has a good question. But, it also depends on the severity of the SA. The more introverted you are, the more difficult it is to get a gf, obviously.

I want a gf (that I am attracted to) so badly. Just as an example of how frustrated I am: the other day where I work I saw a girl with reddish/brown hair that was down to her mid-back, it was shiny and looked so soft/thick. I actually got a boner off of hair!!! What the hell is wrong with me :?


Well-known member
I don't know if someone could put up with my SA. I think that any normal girl would lose interest in me very quickly.
Yea i think so too, that's why i always imagine i'd find a girl with SA, the ironly lies in how impossible it is to find another human being with SA due to the nature of the condition. oh well, death is the great equalizer anyways : D