Girls with HH


Okay, this isn't a post to be sexist or claim that it's worse for girls, but I was just wondering from a female point of view, how you cope with it?

It might sound superficial but does anyone else hate clothes shopping because of it? When you're going out clubbing and want something new, or get paid and try to get yourself something nice but you can't because all you can wear is plain black. Plain black tee's, vest's, tank's...and your wardrobes already full of the boring crap. When you see a really cute top but know you'll never ever be able to wear it because your sweating would be obvious. When your friends constantly ask why you always wear black but you can't tell them the real reason why.

I'm so bored of it that instead I have my hair crazy colours - pink, green, blue, red, purple, turquoise etc...and change it pretty much weekly just to have some variation, but even that doesn't seem to make it any better.

I can't help thinking that if I was a guy and looked good in baggy clothes then this whole thing would be a lot easier.

[Sorry...just got back from the Mall, needed a rant...]


My friends just think i'm being arty and pretentious because i wear black all the time! I get very sweaty on my back so black jersey is about the only thing i can wear without the sweat patches being visible. grrrr. at least it makes shopping easy as i dont have to worry about making decisions about fashion!


i like wearing black. But, when i don't want to wear black I wear a colored tank top and then a black cardigan or blazer or whatever over it so the armpit area is covered with black fabric but the front of my body has that bit of color. A big unbuttoned baggy black cardigan over a fitted colored top is also great since the baggy cardigan doesnt touch you theres no sweat on it. Also colored jewelry and accessories and scarves can add color to the plain black tshirt thing.
another favorite thing to wear is a mesh or net like fabric or crochet knit over a tank top. this way when I sweat it is more easily evaporated and less noticable since there is less fabric available to absorb it. it also doesnt leave me with the feeling of ickyness from having drenched armpits covered by many layers of fabric.
stuff like: copy.jpg[/url]


i used to have the same problem and did the same thing as causeeffect, wore black cardies on top etc. have been using sweat stop for a few months now and its fantastic! i can wear anything i want so have been getting tops in all diff colors and fabrics. i only put the stuff on once a week at night so its not a massive change to my life style and it works like a charm.


I really, really, really hate wearing the color black, it looks completely horrible on me. So...I opt for wearing white almost every day. I usually can wear it up to 10 times before it gets sweat stains...and there I am again shopping for more shirts and blowing my money all over again.

I cant even wear baggy clothes--it still shows, or tank tops, or vests. I even sweat through hoodies and sweatshirts. So I usually end up wearing white every day...thank goodness no one has commented on it or i'd probably break down crying. No one knows, besides my family. Some days I just think "maybe I should just tell everyone"...but I know if I do then no one is going to want to talk to me...not to mention SIT by me...

I usually go through the day though holding my arms at my side and thinking about how im going to complete each task while not moving my arms too much. Hopefully we'll be able to afford the botox injections or i have no clue what im going to do...any suggestions that i can do while i wait?
Yeah, it can be quite a pain when it comes to shopping for tops but I find that cotton works best. The whole mesh/knitted designs work as well. It gets really hot here so I'm usually in my polo and plain tees so it's not that bad.

Shoes are a whole different matter! My feet sweats real easy and it tends to stink up shoes if you don't take care of them. Heck, hail the person who came up with flip-flops! I don't know where I'd be if they hadn't been invented. Hehe.
shoes are what I miss, especially in summer. All other girls get to wear nice heels, open toed heels, sling-backs, etc. But I can't because my feet sweat and I slide around inside the shoe. Its a painful and stressful experience! I've tried once or twice, either lose a shoe whilst walking or I get a an actual squelching sound. Only boring close toed boring sturdy shoes for me.

winter is better, its an excuse for boots. But as always, I dread having to take my shoes off at a friend's place at the end of the day because of the smell.
shoes are what I miss, especially in summer. All other girls get to wear nice heels, open toed heels, sling-backs, etc. But I can't because my feet sweat and I slide around inside the shoe. Its a painful and stressful experience! I've tried once or twice, either lose a shoe whilst walking or I get a an actual squelching sound. Only boring close toed boring sturdy shoes for me.

winter is better, its an excuse for boots. But as always, I dread having to take my shoes off at a friend's place at the end of the day because of the smell.


Ever sense I started sweating fashion doesn't exist, all I can wear is a hoodie with a teeshirt on underneath. It has gotten to the point where I just dont care what I look like. I would give anything to wear a cute tank top again.


Well-known member
I love to go shopping. It makes me feel good. Kind of gives me a high. I buy whatever I like without worrying about sweating in it. Then I get home, put my clothes away and never take them out again. My family is always getting on me about having so many clothes that I never wear. There are things that I've had for years that still have the price tag on it. It's kind of like when someone who is overweight buys an outfit that they can't fit in hoping that one day they will lose the weight and be able to wear it. I feel like one day I will find a cure to my sweating and I can wear all my nice clothes. Unfortunately after sweating for over 8yrs I haven't found anything that works. It's really quite depressing.