Girls, girls, girls


Well-known member
Now obviously, with my SA, it is hard for me to get girls. In fact, I don't have any prospects, and I hardly know any girls at college (kind of pathetic I guess).

I want all that to change though. The thing is, I have no idea what to do. I mean, everyone tells me I am a good enough looking guy, as I am quite fit, I don't have ugly features, and the only downside is I am a little short. But I have no confidence when it comes to women, mainly because of my SA.

So where can I begin? In my classes there is little chance for interaction with the girls, so that doesn't seem to work. On campus they are just walking around in packs or on their own, but isn't it a little weird to approach them? And even if its not, then what do I say?

I am so sick of this. I want to improve my life, but it is so hard. At this point, when I am watching TV and there is a guy asking a girl out on a date my heart rate increases and I breathe harder because it makes me so anxious. If anyone can help with this I would greatly appreciate it!



Well-known member
ummm it is alittle unusual to just approach girls you don't know that just seem to be walking the best thing is to find a situation were you can introduce yourself like in a class and then it would be ok to approach them randomly and ask them if they wanted to go for a drink or to do something together, another thing is if you feel unconfident about it tell them, they love that shit like,"oh my god I'm shit at this,but do you wanna go for a drink some where" be honest with them, and you may just end up in there pants.lmao good luck.oli