getting help/starting over

Ok, first off all, I went to the doctor today. She put me on Paxil (yet, again) only this time it's longer lasting then the Paxil I was on a few years ago. She also wants me to find someone to talk to and to report back in a month.

That being said, I am so fed up with people, especially my "friends". It seems like people are glad to be my friend and be there for me when I'm happy and I don't complain but the second I really need someone to talk to, they're already running in the other direction. Besides my mom and my boyfriend, who is amazing and listens to me whenever I need to talk, I have nobody. My mom and boyfriend can't really understand what i'm going through or offer advice but at least they freakin' listen! I'm so frustrated with people telling me "all you need to do is this..." or "it's not that hard..." because if it were really that easy, don't you think i'd be out there socializing instead of sitting here, depressed about my problems. I'm thinking maybe I should just start over as far as friends go because obvously the couple I have now, aren't doing such a great job.


Pardon my asking - but how can you have SA if you have a boyfriend?

lildreamer721 said:
Ok, first off all, I went to the doctor today. She put me on Paxil (yet, again) only this time it's longer lasting then the Paxil I was on a few years ago. She also wants me to find someone to talk to and to report back in a month.

That being said, I am so fed up with people, especially my "friends". It seems like people are glad to be my friend and be there for me when I'm happy and I don't complain but the second I really need someone to talk to, they're already running in the other direction. Besides my mom and my boyfriend, who is amazing and listens to me whenever I need to talk, I have nobody. My mom and boyfriend can't really understand what i'm going through or offer advice but at least they freakin' listen! I'm so frustrated with people telling me "all you need to do is this..." or "it's not that hard..." because if it were really that easy, don't you think i'd be out there socializing instead of sitting here, depressed about my problems. I'm thinking maybe I should just start over as far as friends go because obvously the couple I have now, aren't doing such a great job.


Well-known member
welcome to the site!!

i've dated around and had boyfriends, it's possible :)

i'm not sure how to help you, feel free to vent your heart out here! we'll listen. maybe start out with a journal?

oh oh oh and trust me, find genuine friends. i went too long with many many bad ones and now i have few, but i know i can trust them.

what do your bf and mom say when you talk to them?
my mom listens to me and tries to help me find a solution and she tells me stories about when she used to be really shy (apparently my aunt, my moms cousin and my grandpa had it too). My boyfriend just listens to me and lets me vent. Though he really doesn't understand, he always makes me feel better somehow.

It's quite possible to have a boyfriend and have social phobia. We met through a friend and then we started talking online a lot before we actually hung out so I felt comfortable with him from the very start. That's how it is possible.


Well-known member
hmm well like i say, try a journal? and at least they listen - they seem like good people :D

unfortunately not all people can say that about their moms
true, my mom is great. i'm just dissapointed I guess cuz turns out I can't really rely on my friends too much when I need them but I should know by now people (at least those in my life) aren't very reliable. My sister is that way too...she'll ask me a question and as soon as I start complaining she's already focused her attention on her cats or disregards the problems in my life and starts talking about hers. I have a journal I just forget to write in it a lot. I can't wait to go to therapy...then I can talk all I want