Getting Exstistential Here


Well-known member
Does the thought of life frighten you so much that you get exstistential? You're too afriad to get a job so you tell your self, all well, we all die in the end anyways.

I did this for awhile. And I would like to know if anyone else does it.


Well-known member
I do. But it isn't so much of death, more of suicide. I'm going to kill myself soon so why bother doing anything?


Well-known member
That's how I am about meeting people. I think well it's not like I will see them after I move (I'm a college in a different city) so what's the point of making friends.


Active member
More importantly, existentialism doesn't say that this isn't real. To the contrary, it says that this is the only thing that is real. This world, right here, right now. There is no god or afterlife or set meaning to our lives. We can either see the meaninglessness of the world and crumble under it or we can create our own meaning. Its coming to the realization that we are completely free and completely in charge of our lives that is terrifying. We choose how we live, and have to deal with the consequences, there will be no God or third party to protect you or guarantee your salvation.


Well-known member
I analyze the hell out of things as it it's hard to say. I think maybe not so existential but just trying to rationalize my SA..if that makes any sense..