Get Sick During Change - Anxiety Issue?


I have been suffering from an anxiety disorder on and off for about 10 years.

It started the first day of high school, I got sick to my stomach, puked, and thought I had the flu and such. Kept going to the doctor to find a clean bill of health. We thought I was just getting a strand of a stomach virus.

Well now that I'm 26 I figured out I have an anxiety disorder. Now I wake up feeling unrested, get the sick feeling before s$x, first dates, changes, etc.

My life is great and I shouldnt be feeling like this, but do.

I took serzone and remeron with good effects, but would rather not take meds and just stopped the remeoron this week as I want to fight this myself. They psycs in my area are not the answer.

I'm happy to have found this website and look forward to the help.


Well-known member
Hiya and welcome, iam like you in that i also hate change, i have a good life, a good job and i should be happy, but anxiety holds me back in so many ways, i self medicate at the moment with drugs as they are the only thing that make me feel normal but iam trying to stop just now and like yourself fight it by myself.


Ya it really sucks.. the drugs may be the only answer, but I have not been drug free fora bout 5 years now, so I'm wondering if the anxiety has taken its path and I can feel well without them.

I have been off the remeron for 3 days now and feel fine... I'm hitting the gym daily now to see if that will help out.

Thank for the replies.


Well-known member
Okay hehe's a couple of bucks from me - but i don't want gravy on mine - kucka!
Alright on a less stupid note - Did you suffer any side effects on the medication you were taking ? Did they actually affect you ANXIETY in a positive way ?


Well-known member
You can choose to view overcoming SA as a indefinite and cumbersome proceess, alternatively, you can choose to view it as a long-term challange. I believe the change in perspective makes all the difference in the world. :)


The meds helped for a few months and pooped out on me. The negative sides outweighed the positive.

I am med free now for a few days and really feel well. I have been taking a multivitamin since I stopped...

We'll see..


Well-known member
Hi, do you or anyone else have any tips on how to control the nausea that occurs before some social situations?


I have tried taking a dramamine (used for sea sickness) with good results...

I'd like to hear natural remedies though...


Well-known member
i throw up at times when i'm really nervous for something. I've thrown up so much i can pretty much do it at will.