Future and Careers


I'm a Senior in High School and for about a year now I have been taking class credits to fit requirements of the University's computer science program .

However, lately I've been thinking.. and I don't believe I can spend the rest of my life sitting in front of a computer being a slave of a large company. It's too uneventful and "safe".

There are so many things to try, and I don't want to be on my deathbed one day and regret not trying them. So I went over some options, and I came up with some jobs that would be more exciting and out of the blue: Directing, Acting, Architecture, Music, Dance, Writing, or Computer Animation. I am looking at more of an artsy career... after watching movies/etc I have come to respect those films/songs/etc that can delve into human emotions and be able to affect them in so many ways.

I think out of all those I listed, I really would want to be an actor. Ever since I was small I've wanted to be an actor, but I have always been too shy, and regrettably I have never acted in any school plays or drama clubs (save for elementary schools where it was mandatory). However, being a first generation American coming from an Asian household, it would be nearly impossible to get my dad to agree with this. To be honest, I am having a hard time getting myself to agree with this. It could be the biggest mistake of my life. It'll be costly in time and money, and unsuccessful actors usually make just enough to get by.

I don't know if one day I want children. One day I do want a significant other.. which I can buy nice things for once in a while. So though acting seems so great at the moment, it may not in the future. I am so afraid of the future and what is to become of me.

I'm 17 at the moment, and am also feeling some doubt in my abilities in acting when starting at a later age than great actors usually start at (or so I've heard). Perhaps this is just a "phase".. but I just really can't decide what to do. I can't stop thinking about it though. I am losing sleep and getting so stressed over it. I think a lot of it is because if I choose a different route outside of Computer Science, my father will definitely be there to say "I told you so" if things go wrong. It's a lot of pressure.
