

Active member
I am in the arctic tundra of my soul, naked and lost, beyond the reach of human warmth and universal love. Beyond tears my frostbitten mind feels nothing now, no peace, even in death.


Well-known member
You can always try to find God when there seems to be no hope. There isn't much too loose, and if you do find... it will be better after death. :>


Of course not, that would be too easy. Every criminal would go to heaven.
I don´t believe in the official religions as they are presented, I believe that God is to be found inside us. We look for him by turning inside, in meditation. Trying to calm and concentrate our thoughts and emotions, regulary at certain times every day. I didn´t bring myself to do it yet, but I feel only reading books about meditation and trying to think about it does do something as well. I believe if you practice meditation regulary for a long time, it should have some positive effect.