Found solution for my hands.


New member

I felt obligated to share that I found a solution for my sweaty hands situation and wanted to pass along exactly what I did. So basically i'll just give a quick run down of my history.

I'm 24 years old and suffered from this god awful condition since high school. I currently work for a large bank in Manhattan where I meet new clients on a daily basis. Here's where this condition sucks. I developed a reactionary response to when I'm about to shake someone's hand. I know they are going to be wet, but my anxiety makes them 3x worse. I always gives a wimpy handshake and then see their face as we grip. Humiliating. I can't stand the feeling. Thankfully after 4 years of trying I found a solution that I actually already tried in the past.

First off, I used Drionic for a little, but I honestly never used it long enough because the batteries died. I have a feeling like this device does work, but there's no need for me to use at this point. The answer? DRYSOL. Let me explain. I think the last time I came on this forum was like 3 years ago as it is and someone recommended this to me. I tried it and it did nothing. However, it worked on my underarms so well that 2 applications in a row nightly would yield no sweat for about 1.5 weeks if not more.

About 4 weeks ago I was going bonkers because I had to give a presentation at work and I knew I would be shaking hands with some big wigs. I figured what the hell let me try drysol again. Well, instead of putting this on and wrapping your hands in suran wrap (waste of time) all I did was roll on my entire palm/finger tips area. I made sure to get by the bottom of the hand as well. I then blew my hand as dry as I could and went to sleep. NOTE: I did this for my RIGHT hand only. (it's the only hand I care about being dry anyway)

Next morning I didn't expect anything, and I was sweating as usual. Something told me to do this again the next night. Same story - sweaty the next day, if not worse than usual. Finally did it a 3rd night. That morning sitting on the train holding my coffee mug, NO SWEAT. My hands were bone friggin dry and I couldn't believe it. Later that night I had my girl friend feel my hands about 100 times and then compare to my left hand. She said she felt nothing on my right hand, but my left was "disgusting" as usual (in a humorous way) she accepts my sweaty hands..or hand :)

That's it. I then went 9 days before I felt a little bit of sweat coming back and it just took 2 applications and I was good about another 10 days. I am obviously going to continue this for the foreseable future. Also no problems with my ski being dry, they aren't cracked or excessively dry. I'd say my hands are a bad case if I were to rate them. Not sure what severe would be, dripping maybe? Mine were bad enough that you would feel their wetness as soon as you shook my hand. Not mild in my opinion.

I really hope this helps someone out there because I have been dealing with this for 10 years or so. I love how I find out AFTER everyone at work knows to give me the "fist pound" ugh so embarrassing, but I can't blame them.

Good luck.


Active member
That's odd. I wasn't aware that you had to apply it a couple days in a row for it to work. I just used it one day, and it didn't seem to work, so I figured it was a waste of time.


Well-known member
So is Drysol a rub-on/roll-on now? I had it back in high school (10-12 years ago) and it never worked even with plastic gloves over my hands while I slept, so I stopped it right away.

But I've had great success with Odaban for my underarms, and like they say, you use it for 4 or 5 days or maybe a week straight, then you'll notice it working, and from there you can use it like once or twice a week just to keep it going.

I've thought about just spraying some Odaban on my hands to see if I get any effect, but haven't heard of many others with good luck. Maybe I'll get some more Drysol.

But lately I've been thinking I should get a good iontophoresis machine since I've never tried that.

BTW, I laughed at how your GF describes your hands as "disgusting", LOL. Only people like us know the feeling.

How is everything going? Please update. Thanks!


Hey guys I can relate to his testimony.... Idrostar wasnt really working for me, i thought it might be faulty. Ive sent it away for repairs under warranty. I recently started using DRICLOR. I think thats the UK equivalent of DRYSOL. Ive used it for four nights now. Today, my hands have been the dryest in a while. Summer is lurking around, and i really hope its a solution. At least for now.

IF you have the time. Please read my thread "STRANGE HYPERHYDROSIS STORY".

Peace out