Forum meetup. Everyone come!


No, this isn't a real one, but I want to know what your initial reaction was when you read the heading. Were you thinking you might go or no ways, you wouldn't?

My other question is, are social phobics socially phobics when around other social phobics?
What if we did meetup, how would everyone feel about talking amongst other sps?


Well-known member
Intresting post. I initaly though someone was trying to form a group to meet up in person.

We actualy had a meet up group in our area thru a site called meet I can tell you it didnt go as well as we would like. We had a 95% cancelation rate. Oh well its understandable considering the contradiction. Asking social phobic people to socialize.LOl

The posotive is that when we did get meet we were a talkative bunch. It was actualy the greatest feeling ever. No body had to spend time explaining why they hadn't had a date in a while or why they didnt attend the party last week. It was like we all were on the same page. It was so much fun.


Well-known member
I was thinking this is an international site and I'd never be able to meet up with most of the people on here in real life, therefore the heading must mean let's meet up on the forum.


Well-known member
There are some people here in this forum I wouldn't mind meeting in person. Some of them sound like really nice, funny, interesting people.


Well-known member
Definitely one of the best topics started on here since i joined. I would definitely like to meet people on here, there would be no pressure to "act correctly" (wasn't sure how to put that) personally i would be more relaxed. However i guess it depends on the severity of your SA. I know there is people who can't even leave their room let alone their house.


Well-known member
Would I be interested? yes
If it was a forum meet or chatroom meet would I be in it? Most likely
If it was a meeting in person? Probably not.
Would I feel more comfortable knowing others were SP? No


Well-known member
It would actually be rather fun, more so than I usually think about social gatherings since we all know eachothers hidden stuff :S, plenty to talk about also with the only people who can possibly understand SA (the sufferers).

Though when I first read the topic I smiled bitterly and shook my head thinking 'I would like to but It will never happen'.


You know, we should actually organise one one day. Although I dont know, it would have to be region specific. I couldn't make it as I live in South Africa. But I could always fly if I had the time and the money. But still, weed end up having tons of no-shows.


Well-known member
My initial reaction was 'That's interesting. Is it anywhere near me?'.

Thinking about it now however, and I would be put off if loads of people ended up going (although this seems unlikely due to the nature of our condition).


Well-known member
abc_123 said:
No, this isn't a real one, but I want to know what your initial reaction was when you read the heading. Were you thinking you might go or no ways, you wouldn't?

My other question is, are social phobics socially phobics when around other social phobics?
What if we did meetup, how would everyone feel about talking amongst other sps?
oh reaction was..that would be cool..but how will i get there?..i can't go in by myself!..i'll just make a fool of myself..but i would really really want to go..but would i go? not sure :wink:


Well-known member
IceLad said:
My initial reaction was 'That's interesting. Is it anywhere near me?'.
That was mine too. I think it would be sort of cool to meet people on here in real life. I think I would really try to go. And yes, I would feel better knowing that others were also shy and have SP.
i would go, but my SP isn't as bad as it used to be before i saw a psychiatrist. Before i got any treatment, i would never even consider going to a face to face meet up, it would be too scary for me.