Foreign phobic here :)


I live in Europe 32-year-old male.
I am shy and I can't handle human relations at all.
Probably everything started in my childhood, when I was educated in a repressive way and became unable to let myself be respected. In those year I underwent psychological bullying and lost the trust for human genre.
I never acquired a real self esteem although my adolescence years were the best in my life. Then I lost all my friends because I had personal problems, depression included.
In the latest year I developed a way to act which help me, I try to play the part of the extrovert but I can't do it always, and above all, I remain embarassed.
I don't know the reason but I feel somewhat under the level of people around me.
I hate extrovert people because I think they can harm me, and for what regards girls I can't approach them as I am sure I can not interest them (it's because my overall image probably).
And above all I feel my loneliness and I can't still accept it.
The last month were good, I found a new job and I have acceptable relation there, but my collegues are no friends and I feel they remain far although friendly... But this is something.
I'm very interested to read your stories and hope to find some idea to start to overcome the problem, above all it's good to know you are not alone in this journey.


You describe your symptoms very accurately akin to mine!

I recently finished a short project, working in a small office, an hour's journey from home, this being yet another step on my mission to improve my communication, learning from each encounter. I play the friendly person. It's not really working. It did when I was at school and later, but it took me a while to understand others' perspectio of me

I'm working on me