for people who use the fischer md1a


Well-known member
how much water do u put into the tray that u put ur hand in? in the manual, it says to fill it to the top of the electrode, but i dont want it too high for the one on my hands- eg i dont want my whole hand under water. do i have to do it this way, or can i just put enough water to touch the electrode so that only the sweaty parts of my hands get touched?


I use the fischer device and do fill it to the top of the electrode, but was instructed by my derm to put a plate in the tray so that the top of my hand is not submerged but my fingers still are.

I haven't been using my fischer recently as I have been getting botox, but have recently pulled it out to start using it again as botox is so expensive.


I do 20 minute sessions (10 minutes then switch polarity) 8 times every other day and at the end of that process I always have this 18-24 day period of increased sweating before the blockage begins. Does anyone else seem to have this issue?

also for got to mention that I do my treatments at 20ma


Well-known member
arik, where do u feel the tingle most? i only feel mine at the tip of the fingers even though i do it at around 16mA. is this okay or should i be feeling the tingle all over my hands?


at 16ma you should definitely feel something. it's more noticeable at the tips of my fingers and especially near the water level... also, when i change the polarity to reverse, my whole hand becomes numb.


Well-known member
arik, how many treatments when u first started using the machine until u got 100% dryness? after 14 treatments, they still sweat. idk what im doing wrong.


arik said:
at 16ma you should definitely feel something. it's more noticeable at the tips of my fingers and especially near the water level... also, when i change the polarity to reverse, my whole hand becomes numb.

is your hand numb for the rest of treatment? or is it just numb initially then after a couple seconds its gone?


i have yet to reach 100% dryness... it's probably at about 80% dryness right now with baking soda... i tried using salt for the first time and it started to stain the tray and water brown so i'm wondering if i should stick with it or continue with the regular routine.

i probably reached about 80% after a month of use, every other day at 16ma - 19ma, for 32 minute sessions. unfortunately, it hasn't seemed to increase at all past that point.


Stick with it. People are different, but the MD1a will work. It took me a while but I did get to 100% and was able to maintain it with once a week sessions.

I use baking soda as well.

As for water in the trays, I made custom trays, its cake. my hand one is shallow with the connector very low in the tray, and the foot tray is a 6-8inch deep large tub since I have large feet and sweat up to my ankles.

For the trays, just go to radio shack and buy the speaker connectors that take banana plugs. The MD1a wires plug in perfectly. They I went to the dollar store and got 2 storage bin trays. Once small shallow for hand, one large for feet.

I drilled a small hole in each for the speaker connector and put a rubber washer on each side just incase. I didn't want a leak.

In total I think it was $7 bucks for 2 finished trays. They have lasted since May 07 so far.

I never checked my Ma rating or what not, but I run at number 7 for 15 minutes each polarity. I do 1 hand and 1 foot, then switch and do other hand/foot. Same side, eg right hand/right foot, then left hand/left foot.

Anything over 7 and it feels like its burning my bones. =)


Well-known member

how long did it take u to reach dryness? its been like 1 1/2 months for me but i only have about 50% dryness