Flinch easily?

I can flinch pretty easily unless I know it's coming, otherwise the smallest thing can make me jump (not jump literally) or blink, even if it's not even a noise or something, like if I'm looking at someone who's not looking at me, then they suddenly look at me, I sort of get a bit startled. Anyone else?


Well-known member
LOL yes. It's funny you ask this. I used to be more flinchable when I was younger. I remember being in middle school art class and having some girl come up to me and say, "I really like that painting." And I sort of jumped.

But, the most embarrassing time happened about 3 years ago when I was working at a department store. I was in the backroom area and coming out through the doors. As I was going out, some kid that worked there was coming in. And my body literally jumped and I sort of gasped a little bit. And the weird thing was, I did it again. And the kid even snorted a bit and was like, "What the..?" It was really odd.


Well-known member
Day_Tripper said:
I can flinch pretty easily unless I know it's coming, otherwise the smallest thing can make me jump (not jump literally) or blink, even if it's not even a noise or something, like if I'm looking at someone who's not looking at me, then they suddenly look at me, I sort of get a bit startled. Anyone else?

Yeah, I used to a lot, everything would make me jump. I always felt stupid cause I'd do it when anything happened, like someone looking at you like you said. I remember one time doing it at the store, I turned down an isle and saw someone in the isle and jumped like someone was right in front of me, even though they were all the way down at the other end of the isle like 50 feet away. I dropped something I was carrying and felt stupid, it wouldn't have been so bad but then I turned around and this girl behind me obviously saw it all and gave me a weird look. I wanted to run and hide.
I don't do that much anymore though, I'm not as terrified and jumpy as I once was.


Well-known member
Im always thinking and so conciously aware of everything thats going on around me that nothing really happends that I dont see coming. So im flinch proof


Well-known member
hi day tripper im the exact same and i always end up with a stupid expression on my face , then i feel like a lunitic out to be humiliated


Well-known member
Recently I was at the hospital in one of the consulting rooms. The doctor was sat right in front of me. When he lent forward to take a closer look at my face, both him and me noticed how I reactively flinched back.

I felt slightly embarrassed as a result.