first they say you're weird, then they r d 1 who act weird


Well-known member
there is this guy who say that i'm weird... then when i try to talk to him he seems like trying to avoid me. we only say a "hi!"... i wish i can start talking to him... since i am friend with his friends... and if i make friend with him then will be no more breaks alone.

he sort of try to avoid me mostly when he is alone... but mostly he smiles at me when is with someone... IF ONLY i can start talking to him i would end the chapter of loenleiness in my life!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:


Well-known member
i often experience this avoiding and usually it really hurts. We must remember that we get what we give - people will treat us the same way as well treat them.


the webmaster says anything that isnt dealing with sa is that allowed so watch out u mite get baned. we r not aloud to have open convertions on the forums lol


Well-known member
Little fag probably is disturbed by your way of being. Give him a good time and sit at his side all day, check in his voice if he likes dislike you.

hey monkey, you really are pissed arent you.


Well-known member
Maybe he's trying to start a conversation but he does not know how to do it.I've seen people do pretty dumb things like that becaue they don't know how to approach the issue.


Well-known member
I have seen that many times in my life. It's all because of fear of being with someone who is not skillful at all at socializing. That lack of skill causes the others to feel stressed when approaching you so they don't approach you.

Don't feel bad because of that. Just do your best to talk to that guy UNLESS you notice he does not like you at all. You've got to accept this as a real possibility and probably is what happens actually. If so, don't insist. Sometimes when you are the one who avoids, the other person is the one that goes after you like a lost dog that's hungry :wink:


Well-known member
dont sweat it try talking to this person one more time, if they look as
if he really doesnt want to talk to you, then forget about him..hes the
prick not you


Well-known member
last saturday i asked him something and he was ok with me... still there were his friends! maybe he knows that i dont talk that much so he doesnt know how to handle a converstation with me.