Finally had the nerve to post!


New member

I am a 22 year old woman and new here and I just have a quick question I would like to ask you

During my childhood I was always extremely shy, but the last 10-12 years I have been terrified of all kinds of social situations and it just keeps getting worse.

I haven’t spoken on the phone in over two years because for some reason it freaks me out! I am terrified to go shopping because I might buy the “wrong” things. I am constantly aware of people around me; since I am sure they are ALL staring at me. Just the thought of other people and my heart starts pounding. Absolutely hates group work at school

Terrified to meet someone I know on the street

I know I need professional help, but I have always had I huge problem with reached out to other for help

Are there others that have/have had trouble with taking contact to a doctor or psychologist, or do just have to pull myself together? I have heard stories about doctors don’t believing their patients. I am just afraid my doctor won’t believe me – for “normal people” it must sound completely insane if I tell them about my fears of other people

Kind regards;


PS: sorry for the lengthy contribution


Well-known member
Hi Futte

Hi Futte :) Everything you said i feel exactly the same way, you are definately not alone!! Do you live with your parents? Maybe your mum or dad could arrange a doctors appointment and see if he can help.Or even see a counselour at the school.A good idea i think is try and find others who have the same problem as you, maybe a self help group.You could make a friend with people who are going through the same thing.I met up with a girl in the city who has this and it was a good thing to do.Its something to think about


Well-known member
I've trying to go to the doctor for years now and can't bring myself to do it at all. I'm afraid i'm gonna go to the wrong doctor or something at they'll think i'm crazy. I really don't know what to do with myself. Thats why I've been coming here which seems to help somewhat just hearing others experiences and knowing i'm not the only one that has this problem. I identify you you totally I hope we can all find a way through this.


New member
Hi everyone

Im too also new here, actually just joined 10 minutes within sending this reply. Its wierd, the first thing \i read jump right at me, cos everything that you guys are experiencing, I experience it to.

Im just curios, do any of you guys feel that you are not living the life that your supposed to be living, cause i strangely feel that if I wasnt being so stupid and have all these strange SP thoughts, I would be very successfull, compared to my pathetic, lazy unmotivated self. :oops:

Anyways, I must just add, by what I have seen so far, you GUYS ARE SO COOL!!!!! :D


Well-known member
futte said:

I am a 22 year old woman and new here and I just have a quick question I would like to ask you

During my childhood I was always extremely shy, but the last 10-12 years I have been terrified of all kinds of social situations and it just keeps getting worse.

I haven’t spoken on the phone in over two years because for some reason it freaks me out! I am terrified to go shopping because I might buy the “wrong” things. I am constantly aware of people around me; since I am sure they are ALL staring at me. Just the thought of other people and my heart starts pounding. Absolutely hates group work at school

Terrified to meet someone I know on the street

I know I need professional help, but I have always had I huge problem with reached out to other for help

Are there others that have/have had trouble with taking contact to a doctor or psychologist, or do just have to pull myself together? I have heard stories about doctors don’t believing their patients. I am just afraid my doctor won’t believe me – for “normal people” it must sound completely insane if I tell them about my fears of other people

Kind regards;


PS: sorry for the lengthy contribution

Welcome to spw futte.I went through the same thing as you are going through and I have a lot of the same feeling as you .It was hard for me to get help because I was so used to hiding it from everyone and then there was the fear of not being believe or being ridiculed.It took me a long time to even open up enough for it to help even now I have problems with it.

Taking that first step can sometimes be the hardest step to take but you can't do it by your self.You need help.Nothing wrong with that.Most of the stories you hear about doctors not believing there patients are when they go to there family doctor or General practitioner.I have had that happen to me to when I went to a normal doctor.You need to go psychiatrist or/and a therapist.Don't worry about them not believing you. It's there job.That's what they have been train to do and they have help a lot of people like you out.They want to help you.You might have to go through several to find one that fits you but you will find one.

It's not going to be easy in the least but you will either need to take that first step by your self or get help from some one else.I wish you the best of luck and stick around and talk to other people about there experience. It might put you more at ease when you decide to take that step. :D


New member
thank you

Hi again,

Thank you so much for all your replies. It is nice to know that there are people out there that believe you, including doctors

Well, I have just contacted a local psychologist (by email :) ), so now I just have to wait for the response

Kind regard