finally...but uh oh


Well-known member
I finally got a job....I've been searching for a whole year ( even though I'm too scared to work) and I finally found one....but I'm too scared to talk to anyone there, and the idea of having to answer a phone freaks me out....what do I do if the phone next to me rings, should I pretend I can't hear it? should I get up and walk away from it? or should I just answer it?
Plus they are already making jokes about how quiet I am, like saying " jesus, will you just stop talking" or "you're making too much noise', I know they are only joking and not being mean....but I'm sure they think I'm a weirdo, how do you convinve people that being quiet doesn't mean you're weird or rude? 8O


Well-known member
Well I think you've done the hardest part already. Im guessing you had some kind of interview and that for me is the killer!

I used to work with a phone on my desk and I found it horrible for the first week, but its fine after a while. Just answer it when it rings and be polite and I'm sure you will be able to help whoever it is on the other end.


Well-known member
Just answer the phone. Come up with a repeated phone-answering line and practice it at home. Whoever's gonna be on the other side won't know who you are anyway.


it really is a case of just going for it.

i worked on a tech support line, 60 incoming or outgoing calls a day to very angry customers who the company was screwing around.

You just have to pick up the phone, as mentioned have a line prepared like ;

--good morning/afternoon [then] "company name"--, and you can even add your name in,--- "emma speaking"---, and if ure feeling ultra nice u can ask "how you can help", or "how can I help" ;)

sitting staring at the phone won't help though, you really have to go for it, and you'll realise after the 1st one it ain't so bad. You'll probably find the first ones you answer each day a bit tricky though :)


Well-known member
Emma said:
I finally got a job....I've been searching for a whole year ( even though I'm too scared to work) and I finally found one....but I'm too scared to talk to anyone there, and the idea of having to answer a phone freaks me out....what do I do if the phone next to me rings, should I pretend I can't hear it? should I get up and walk away from it? or should I just answer it?
Plus they are already making jokes about how quiet I am, like saying " jesus, will you just stop talking" or "you're making too much noise', I know they are only joking and not being mean....but I'm sure they think I'm a weirdo, how do you convinve people that being quiet doesn't mean you're weird or rude? 8O
hey Emma....congratulations on getting a job! Settling into the job may be difficult at first, but time will probably help...if it's in your job description, i would answer the phone right away, not walk away from it, cause it will just get more difficult if you do..find something to say you feel most comfortable with...and it will get easier with time. Try to ignore the idiots who like to draw attention to people who are quiet :evil: ..i get that all the time at work..and i just tend to ignore it...i think it's just more the norm for people to be outspoken and free with their thoughts and the point of being annoying...that it seems unusual for them to have someone quiet around..who doesn't have to share every thought they have with the entire universe..they'll get used to your quietness with time and move on to bug someone else :? ..anyway...good luck :!:'ve gone through the hardest part..getting the job...hope it goes well for you :)