female facial hair

this is completely off topic but I'm freaking out because my "female mustache" seems to be getting worse, fuck, as if I wasn't already ugly and shy enough!!! Does any other female here have this problem???


Well-known member
I have this problem too :( I've tried three methods- threading, waxing (once), and simply plucking the hairs with a pair of tweezers. I'm not sure if you have a place nearby your place where you can do threading. I didn't and had to travel some distance. I initially went once a week, but it proved to be too troublesome, so I eventually started plucking the hairs off using tweezers. I would recommend this because 1) its cheap (you just need to buy that one pair of tweezers and that's all), and 2) you can do it as and when you see the hairs showing up. One important point to note is to pluck near a bright window. That way, you can get all the hairs because of the light. If you pluck in a dark area, its difficult to spot the hairs and you might not be able to get the area as clean as you want it to be.

Hope you find this helpful :)


Well-known member
Ooooh, whats threading?

And, ummm, I like to pretend and twirl an imaginary moustache in front of the mirror and do a stupid fake french laugh :oops: :oops:


Well-known member
Emma said:
Ooooh, whats threading

I think it originated from India. Its an Asian method of hair removal performed on the eyebrows to shape them or on the entire face to free it of any fine hairs so the face looks smooth and glowy. What happens is the practitioner coils a long cotton thread around her fingers and just move the thread fast and quick across the eyebrow area to remove any unwanted hairs to leave a nice shape for your eyebrows. More skilled and practiced practitioners can shape your eyebrows in a few minutes(no matter how untidy or bushy they are) using this method, and the result is not unlike the ones you get from waxing or grooming using tweezers.


There's a link where you can see a woman performing threading on another. The woman who's having her eyebrows threaded needs to hold her upper eyelids down so the skin around the eye area is stretched, and the practitioner can take off the unwanted hairs without it resulting in nicks on the lower eyebrow area.