Felt anxious when out tonight


Well-known member
My parents, sis and I went for a walk round a lake, the walking bit was fine, but then we were going to have a drink at the pub that's there, and it was packed with people sitting outside, laughing. We were trying to find a table to sit at, but i didn't really look out for a table too, because i didn't want to look at the people at the tables, incase they whispered something about me or i didn't really want them to know that we were looking for a table, incase i thought they were thinking, "ha ha, they can't find a table." lol pathetic i know. So then me and my sis went to sit on a bench looking out at the lake and the pub was behind us, whilst my parents went in to get drinks. and i felt uncomfortable sitting there, and didn't know how to sit, and i was getting anxious that the people sitting at the tables were looking at us, as we were just sitting there looking out at the lake and not really saying anything and i heard guys laughing and kept thinking they were doing it at me, but they were probably just drunk and having a good time. So then my parents came back with the drinks, and then my dad saw that a table was empty so then went to sit at it, and i felt anxious having to pass people to get to the table,and i'm sure i felt eyes on me. Then i sat down and we were kinda in the middle so there was all tables with people at them all around us and i just couldn't relax, i kept thinking everyone was talking and looking at me. In fact, therewas two couples who kept looking over at us, and the guy kept looking over and then looking at the woman, whispering. and i'm sure they were saying something about me. Ok, maybe it's because i was looking anxious, i was just sitting there, whilst my parents and sis were mucking round talking quietly. If i'd just been myself, and just talked and drank like i didn't care then i probably wouldn't have looked anxious like. but i couldn't help it, i couldn't really do it tonight :( :cry: :lol:


Well-known member
I can understand how you felt tonight. The best thing about pubs is the beer tho, after a couple of pints anxiety goes out the window and you can relax! I do hate packed pubs tho, not just the social aspect, but the time it takes to bet served and the noise levels.


Well-known member
i didn't have a beer, i don't like it anyway. I had a big pint of cola that you get in that pub, i didn't have wine, because i only have to have one glass of it and it makes me a little drunk ( i dunno why on only one glass, i wish it didn't take affect on me so quickly) ok some people would think but that's a good thing if i get a little drunk straight away, but even when i'm drunk i get a little anxious, but i feel a little relax but i don't change into an extovert. also i don't like it when i'm drunk, my eyes go all funny.


Well-known member

I thinks its the thoughts about the situations that we have the sabotages us enjoying ourselves.It really is how we think in any given situation that makes us feel the way we feel.At the same time it is difficult to think differently because our minds having been giving us these negative thoughts for so long.