Feeling so empty right now..


It's driving me crazy.. How frequent this is becoming.. All I can feel is this endless void in my gut, tearing me apart.. I managed to talk to a girl, on Facebook mind you.. But I used similar interest to start a conversation while avoiding being awkward.. I asked for an outside opinion in how to restart my anti-bullying group that fell apart from everyone in the group fighting with each other...(Ironic, I know). Basically now we're both trying to bring everyone back together, but regardless of that the emptiness persists.. Maybe because I'm still single, or because I still feel distant around everybody.. Either way I'm losing it, I feel completely unnoticed and unwanted.. That girl I approached more than likely has no interest in me what so ever... And the negativity begins.. I apologize for ranting, these emotions I deal with get overwhelming.


Rant all you like, its good. Hang in there. The feeling of rejection is horrible.

Try and get your mind off it..I know its harder said than done.

Go crank some music and let your emotions out. (that's if you like music)

Do you have friends that you can talk/hang out with?

I'm probably not giving good advice here but I hope you feel better. :)


What makes it sad was I wasn't even rejected.. I just get lonely really easy.. I don't have many people I can talk to.. I'm distant with everybody, even myself.


What makes it sad was I wasn't even rejected.. I just get lonely really easy.. I don't have many people I can talk to.. I'm distant with everybody, even myself.

I Know its really hard. Your just feeling really lonely right now. Can I ask why you are distant with everybody? Does it just happen? I get lonely too sometimes. I think everybody goes though what your feeling at some point in their life.


Because most if not all the people I know either don't listen to me, ignore me, or argue with me. My friends, at one point told I complain to much, now they hear me but don't say anything they just keep doing there own thing. They say they're trying to help me, but I have yet to see them do anything at all.. My dad and me argue over everything.. I hit myself in the head with my belt the other day, I was in a very self hateful mood.. There was a lot of blood, but I hid it from my dad. As of right now there is a healing split in my head from when I did it and he has no idea. I do not talk to my dad well. Everyone else im either to scared to talk to, or lives far away.


Because most if not all the people I know either don't listen to me, ignore me, or argue with me. My friends, at one point told I complain to much, now they hear me but don't say anything they just keep doing there own thing. They say they're trying to help me, but I have yet to see them do anything at all.. My dad and me argue over everything.. I hit myself in the head with my belt the other day, I was in a very self hateful mood.. There was a lot of blood, but I hid it from my dad. As of right now there is a healing split in my head from when I did it and he has no idea. I do not talk to my dad well. Everyone else im either to scared to talk to, or lives far away.

I hate it when people don't listen to me and ignore me. True friends are people that are there and willing to help you. I'm sure in time and as you get older you will meet some good people. I have a couple of children and parenting can be so hard and stressful sometime. I sometimes get angry with mine, but I don't mean it. It easy to get in those self hateful moods, its hard to feel happy when things seem to go wrong and your feeling the way your feeling. I hope your head is okay. Is it just you and your dad living together?
Its sucks when you have no one to turn to.


Don't get me wrong, my friends try. But they have no idea what I'm feeling. When they met me I was still going through a phase in my life where I believed I was crazy. I used to twitch out, scream, cry, laugh, all in a psychotic manner. All of this was due to me feeling misunderstood, having absolutely no one to go to at the time, and looking for an explanation to why people rejected me. It was cause of them I regained some sort of control over that issue.. I still twitch slightly when I'm angry, and I silently scream when I'm alone.. I've been taking out my self hatred on my head since I was 8.. I've beaten it off of everything, and if I didn't have a place to hit it, I would literally dig my fingers into my forehead and claw it, until there was two giant lines of red on my head. I despise myself, and worst of all I'm proud of it.. And I rambled again.. Sorry. Once the thoughts start they funnel out.. I guess I just seek attention now.. I mean when the blood started pouring from my head after the belt incident, my first reaction was laughter.. Maybe that's because of the loneliness and I just want someone to look at me and understand that theres actually something going on with me and I'm not just making excuses..
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Poor you and by all mean ramble it out. Its good. I can feel all that self hatred/frustration/release/lonely feeling your feeling. You really need to talk to someone in person. Your not alone in what you are going through nor is there anything wrong with you. You need some help, someone that will support you and listen to you. Can you go and talk to your doctor?

People get rejected all the time. Its hard but it happens to everyone. Some people can handle it easy and some people don't. I don't handle rejection well either. Just hang in there. I'm hoping your life will get easier for you.


I talk to health center doctors and nurses, I have trouble voicing myself as well though.. And even than there's not much they can do.


It keeps getting worse.. I upped the amount of girl I managed to talk to, to 3 and I feel like I have no chance with either... The loneliness is going to kill me.
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Well-known member
Hey Brandon,

Negative thought pattern has bothered me for a long time too. For some reason its always revolving around women!

Anyway, try to retrain yourself. Its a tough thing to do, because its a habit. Think of something positive, everytime your mind thinks of something negative.