Feeling Like I'm Losing Control


Alright, here it goes. I sometimes have moments where I'm walking and someone passes by me.

I sometimes have thoughts that I'm going to grab at them or something. Sometimes my arm will twitch their way and this freaks me out. I feel like I lost control.

I don't touch anyone but I feel like I was trying to.

I had one of these moments while I was on break at work where I'm a cashier.

While I was working the cash register, I was still pretty much paranoid from my moment at break.

When a customer came behind me on the next register, I felt that same anxious feeling that I was going to touch them.

I then did a small twist with my wrist. I think I was demonstrating to myself just because I do a small movement, it doesn't mean I'm going to do any or touch anyone.

I say to myself it was just a compulsion.

Now I feel like I was trying to touch that person behind me. I try to convince myself that I wasn't trying to but I feel like I was.

I didn't touch anyone but I feel I was.

Was this just a compulsion or was I losing control? Can someone help me out, please?[/b]