Feeling like a weirdo!!!


Well-known member
i am so sick of feeling like a weirdo, im fine a home then im out and i just adopt this weirdo persona, were i hate the way i look ,the way i talk everything i feel like such a looser :cry:

im depressed and im ranting and i dont care, im worried all the time, and i feel so trapped there is nothing i can do about it. I have 2 young children and im shit im so scared all the time.
There are things i have to do school runs in particular, i spend all day worried about the fact i will see my neighbour picking his kids up, they are in the same class and i just pannic everytime i see him :oops:

I feel so alone and scared, no one understands and the parents at the school treat me like some kind of lepper no one wants to come near me :cry:

Im not sure how much more of this i can take :cry: :cry:


Well-known member
I have similar problems on the school run. I have to check who is in the street before I open my front door to go out. If theres someone walking I usually wait until they are a safe distance gone before I go. When I arrive at school I try to stand in a place where I'm not noticable so no one speaks to me. Kids know to find me behind the post now! The walk back I have to wait for a certain person who sends my anxity sky high, has left so I'm not walking along side with her etc. I spent the entire journey in anxiety thinking 'please don't talk to me' over and over.
I just don't feel like one of them.

I feel like a total freak.


Well-known member
yeah that sounds like my day too, all i can see is the embaressment on peoples faces like they can hardly look at me , im so miserable :cry:

how do you cope every day feels like torcher i get home after the school run and i just run to the bathroom and cry.

i carnt stand feeling like this, im such a disapointment.