feather pillow fetish-note NOTHING sexual


New member
I'm new to this forum and I have been diagnosed with OCD in the past and struggle with intrusive thoughts. One of them is about my feather pillows! I own just 10 of them now but used to own nearly 2 dozen and kept them all on my bed at once. I was seriously even considering signing up for Guiness Book of World Records for being one person owning the most number of feather bed pillows in the world. I'm always thinking about them and you could say i'm a "softaholic." I have a strong imagination and majoring in wildlife biology so i madeup a whole ecosystem involving pillows and mattresses. Nothing gets me more giggly than talking nonsense about pillows like this. I envision my feather pillows acting like a predatory pack and out "hunting" mattress "herds," flopping around like seals. I even developed subspecies of feather pillows. Well, you get the idea.....I'm wacko, :roll: i know, so I won't delve further into this! I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs but I'm alone (never married, no current significant other, and in my 30's).
Is there anyone out there who likes feather pillows like I do and own more than 5 of them??? :roll: I feel so wierd and odd and in a world all my own about this particular thing.