Fear of Women


Well-known member
I know Markymark Already brought up the fear of breasts. But what about the whole package?
I think a lot of my SA is caused by a fear of women. Having to talk to them or approach them or having them approach me for some reason. It's like they are automatcally on a pedastool and better than me. Even if I'm attracted to them Especially then. Don't get me wrong. I like women. I sometimes just don't like them.. ughh it's so hard to explain. :?
Am I like the only male freak of nature on earth who feels this way?


Well-known member
BOO! haha are you scared now?. Sorry, I know you are only new and I should explain that I have a sense of humour that only I find funny!.

Trust me women like it when men treat them well and with respect. You would have the fact that you're not an obnoxious jerk going for you.


Well-known member
lostboi said:
Am I like the only male freak of nature on earth who feels this way?

no your not the only one, I can barely speak to women and havent even bothered trying to ask any out on dates for years because it always took such an effort for me to build myself up to the point where I could ask them out and every single time I was rejected - whats the point in that?


Well-known member
Well , if you have fear of women.. i for one have fear of men.. i don't like them being around me or vice versa.. i would stutter with my own words and become numb.. men make me feel like an idiot and odd :roll:


Well-known member
I have this issue. E.g. going up the elevator at work, often there's 5-6 people in there, a lot of women. The end result is me standing like a soldier on guard, gazing into the distance avoiding eye contact, *trying* to act cool (doesn't help that the elevator is mirrored). Then the elevator reaches my floor, where I attempt to make an elegant escape - more diffcult than one would imagine, especially when one just wants to bolt but unfortunately chose to stand at the back and is now barricaded in by the crowd.

Other situations like when a woman approaches me - at work even, or anywhere - asking for something, directions, assistance etc. If I already know they are going to ask I can prepare mentally, but if it comes out of nowhere I usually get a bit of an adrenaline spike, and that of course messes up my reaction for a while. Not to mention the constant nerves, perspiration etc. when being within 2-3 metres of a woman, unless(!) they are talking to someone else, and the focus most certainly could not be on me (which probably wasn't even the case in the first place).

I've had one gf before, and I like to think of that as a positive thing. Success will come to us eventually, if we seek it. The day I can relax around women, have fun, and be myself, will be the day I am a happy man. So lostboi, you are most certainly not alone!


Well-known member
Sign me up for it.I have always fear of women but it's only really bad when there my own age or close to it.It has to do with approval or disapproval from women.I admit I was always crushed when a women had a bad opinion of me.Which it is bad most of the time.


Well-known member
yetisbabe said:
I too had a fear of men until quite recently!! I couldn't stand to be near them or have them anywhere near me. I wasn't always like this though and I have been married and had relationships, but for about seven years...I would break out in a cold sweat if a man was anywhere near me.

Happy to say though...through talking to men from forums like this, and a little psychiatric help...my fear has almost dissipated...as I have realised that some men will hurt and do bad things...and most men won't. :D
I am curious, what made you seek help for this -- I mean, what made you believe that it was a problem that you should change? It is perfectly acceptable to dislike men and to seek to avoid them, and it is not difficult to do. Moreover by doing so, you do avoid many significant risks. So why seek a change?


Well-known member
I guess it is just that I am phobic of scorpions and spiders, but I do not really want to get over this fear because (a) I can choose not to have one as a pet or be around them, and (b) there are genuine risks that I can eliminate by avoiding them. I would think the same kinds of evaluations would be made by you with respect to men. It is very easy to avoid associating with them and by doing so you can escape some genuine risks.