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I am on a mission to no longer be afraid of negative feedback, I have been looking into negative feedback and I really am seeing that it really doesn't matter. It is so important to work on not being afraid of negative feedback, its basically how SA started. You have to accept that some people will think bad of us, afterall there are billions of people on earth, a percentage of people will think we are not good looking or that we are boring or whatever, but its one person's opinion, it doesn't make it a fact and it has no impact on our lives or future. When has you thinking bad about someone ever caused anyone any hurt? And if someone thinks bad of us, what does worrying about it achieve, other than call us so many problems such as feeling ill with anxiety, draining our confidence and potential in life. If someone doesn't like us, then they won't like us no matter how much we worry. But so what, there are a billion more people out there, why dwell on it? Its like you are a billionaire and you have lost a penny down the side of the sofa and getting all upset about it. Move on.
I went into great detail into this and its something I will be working on for a while yet to change deep rooted beliefs, there is a lot that needs sorting out, I have gotten into wrong negative thinking patterns.
However, the fear of speaking I believe is a seperate issue. I think anyone who can relate to me in that when in certain situations you just find it impossible to speak fluently and its a struggle getting words out as your throat is just going crazy, feeling like you need to swallow every few seconds or maybe you lose the ability to speak totally, well I think this fear of speaking has to be addressed purely by itself.
I did a brainstorm yesterday of why I fear speaking in certain social situations, and I came up with 11 reasons, I can't remember them all, but things like I have no confidence in speaking, in the past I have had some really bad experiences of getting anxious and not being able to get my words out and I felt so humiliated. I just have grown this perception of speaking as a situation where I feel so self aware when speaking around people I am not comfortable around or situations I am not comfortable in - as if there is a spot light on me and just end up focusing on myself, so self aware, so self conscious, feeling I am only going to be judged one way - negatively! Working on understanding negatives don't matter does help a small part towards this fear, but I need to change my mindset of speaking so that its not something I fear. My other reasons for fearing speaking include - no confidence I am going to do it well, a belief that I am just going to fail. Also I suffered many years at high school and even at college by two girls always repeating words I said wrong because of a speech impediment - which has as good as gone now (there are some words I can't say properly, but most people have that) - but that made me fear speaking so much at the time and I just haven't got over it. But I guess those years have left me with a belief that people are so critical of me when I am speaking. I believe its such a big deal and a terrifying situation. The whole point is - is it any wonder I struggle with speaking in situations/around people I am not comfortable in/around. All my beliefs are negative and feel afraid, so its got to be put right. Can I ever become confident speaking when have such a negative and fearful mindset on speaking? The answer is no. So analysing these beliefs and understanding and seeing how wrong our beliefs are is vital. We need to analyse them and see what is wrong, understand why the way we think is wrong and learn a new way to see speaking - a fair and accurate way, a non fearful way, a way which is actually positive and where we can show how cool we are. Because come on, speaking - its the most natural and normal thing for humans.
This is why there are other questions to look at in my opinion such as: Do you ever judge people when they speak? If someone messes up when speaking have you thought critical of them? If we do mess up, what is the worst that they can think? That we are strange? Well its one person's opinion on one performance speaking, it is not a judgement on us as a person - how we look or how intelligent we are on how nice a person we are, etc. You have to accept some people will think negative of us for messing up with nerves, but do we really care what someone like that thinks? Because I know from watching a tv programme where a guest presenter on a music chart show had to read out lots and he just started getting so self aware, it was so obvious he was struggling, he was jumbling up his words, he then needed to swallow and then lost the autocue and he looked so sad and uncomfortable. But the crowd were all so nice to him, so encouraging and after he completed it everyone gave him the biggest clap and he actually ended up coming out even better than if he failed. So people don't think terrible things for this happening and anyone who does forget them, there are a billion people on earth, sod one person.
The reality is people listening or observing you speaking are not being critical, they couldn't give a toss, just like when we are listening to or observing people. But we need to believe it, understand its the truth, instead of the way we currently see things.
Only you can do the analysis for yourself on beating this. But it can easily be done once you have a plan of what you have to do and know how to do it.
I went into great detail into this and its something I will be working on for a while yet to change deep rooted beliefs, there is a lot that needs sorting out, I have gotten into wrong negative thinking patterns.
However, the fear of speaking I believe is a seperate issue. I think anyone who can relate to me in that when in certain situations you just find it impossible to speak fluently and its a struggle getting words out as your throat is just going crazy, feeling like you need to swallow every few seconds or maybe you lose the ability to speak totally, well I think this fear of speaking has to be addressed purely by itself.
I did a brainstorm yesterday of why I fear speaking in certain social situations, and I came up with 11 reasons, I can't remember them all, but things like I have no confidence in speaking, in the past I have had some really bad experiences of getting anxious and not being able to get my words out and I felt so humiliated. I just have grown this perception of speaking as a situation where I feel so self aware when speaking around people I am not comfortable around or situations I am not comfortable in - as if there is a spot light on me and just end up focusing on myself, so self aware, so self conscious, feeling I am only going to be judged one way - negatively! Working on understanding negatives don't matter does help a small part towards this fear, but I need to change my mindset of speaking so that its not something I fear. My other reasons for fearing speaking include - no confidence I am going to do it well, a belief that I am just going to fail. Also I suffered many years at high school and even at college by two girls always repeating words I said wrong because of a speech impediment - which has as good as gone now (there are some words I can't say properly, but most people have that) - but that made me fear speaking so much at the time and I just haven't got over it. But I guess those years have left me with a belief that people are so critical of me when I am speaking. I believe its such a big deal and a terrifying situation. The whole point is - is it any wonder I struggle with speaking in situations/around people I am not comfortable in/around. All my beliefs are negative and feel afraid, so its got to be put right. Can I ever become confident speaking when have such a negative and fearful mindset on speaking? The answer is no. So analysing these beliefs and understanding and seeing how wrong our beliefs are is vital. We need to analyse them and see what is wrong, understand why the way we think is wrong and learn a new way to see speaking - a fair and accurate way, a non fearful way, a way which is actually positive and where we can show how cool we are. Because come on, speaking - its the most natural and normal thing for humans.
This is why there are other questions to look at in my opinion such as: Do you ever judge people when they speak? If someone messes up when speaking have you thought critical of them? If we do mess up, what is the worst that they can think? That we are strange? Well its one person's opinion on one performance speaking, it is not a judgement on us as a person - how we look or how intelligent we are on how nice a person we are, etc. You have to accept some people will think negative of us for messing up with nerves, but do we really care what someone like that thinks? Because I know from watching a tv programme where a guest presenter on a music chart show had to read out lots and he just started getting so self aware, it was so obvious he was struggling, he was jumbling up his words, he then needed to swallow and then lost the autocue and he looked so sad and uncomfortable. But the crowd were all so nice to him, so encouraging and after he completed it everyone gave him the biggest clap and he actually ended up coming out even better than if he failed. So people don't think terrible things for this happening and anyone who does forget them, there are a billion people on earth, sod one person.
The reality is people listening or observing you speaking are not being critical, they couldn't give a toss, just like when we are listening to or observing people. But we need to believe it, understand its the truth, instead of the way we currently see things.
Only you can do the analysis for yourself on beating this. But it can easily be done once you have a plan of what you have to do and know how to do it.