Fear of dancing interferes w/social life


New member
I'm terrified of dancing. I'm going to a club soon with some people I don't know well, and I don't know how to get out of dancing without being all awkward about it—especially since I'm kind of attracted to one of the people who will be there (who doesn't know I have social anxiety).

This is the last chance I'll have for at least a week or two to hang out with this person, so I don't want to ditch the event. I just need a way to handle it coolly, especially if people try to pressure me to dance (which tends to happen in these situations). Tips? How do you guys handle public dancing?


Well-known member

I feel your pain!!

I too am terrible and scared of dancing and I usually feel like I need so much to drink before I begin dancing but sometimes there is that pressure which I HATE when people pull you up even though your not that drunk.

My dancing is so so bad, just a few months ago we were all dancing in a circle and one person at a time would go into the circle and do a little dance move - everyone done it and when it came to me I was like "no! no!", people started saying "omg party pooper, just get do it!" - and with so much pressure I pushed myself to do the most stupid looking dance move and when I looked at everyones faces they looked like they wanted to tell me how crap my dancing is. I really wish I was in toilets or something at this time!

All I can say is good luck, try and keep calm and you should be alright.....


Well-known member
I thought I was the only one w/ a fear of dancing! For me it's about as bad as the thought of being naked in public.


Well-known member
Dancing is so retarded
Just have a few drinks wait for the place to get busy and just do wat pretty much everyone else is doin