Experiences with Doxepin?


New member
Hello everyone!
I hope that I am not wasting anyone's time here- I have currently not been diagnosed with any kinds of mental health problems- so I hope I am not causing trouble to people with real problems. However, I have been seeing a therapist for some time. The sessions are about to finish in a couple of weeks. It's been undeniably helpful, but sometimes I have the impression I do not chime too well with him. Although he seems well-meaning at times, I do get the impression that I annoy him somewhat.

Anyway sorry for the digression! And sorry for my atrocious and convoluted English. I mean it. The purpose of this thread is of course question in the title. How have you managed to deal with Doxepin? I am on "it" for almost 2 weeks, but so far, I have felt little change. My therapist knows nothing about it. Someone in the family- a medical professional- thinks this might all be physiological after all, and that the therapy is ultimately unnecessary. A relation of mine has been in a major depressive phase and her condition, as it appears, has improved somewhat after taking Doxepin. Will it help me stopped being so ashamed of myself and move on and live the life I am supposed to live? Of course asking for advice in such a generalised fashion is not very useful, because each person is different...

Oh god. I am sorry for all that negativity... Sorry for wasting your time or ruining your day. Anyway all the best and have a lovely day!

PS: I genuinely typed up the thing below when I was in a darker mood. It seems there is something inside me that just wants to lash out against myself. I wonder is it true? Or do I just blow the flaws in my character out of proportion? I hope it is the latter. I really hope that. Don't bother reading it- the length of this post has already been a a gross contravention of all common standards of civility. So here we go. Otherwise, just don't bother. TL;DR and call it a day:

"I have not had the opportunity to show life what a failure I am deep down (and a part of me is still optimistic). Sometimes I manage to be exuberant and joyful, but it also lasts for a short time, say, a couple of hours. Sometimes I think of just quitting. Not exactly suicide, but not just bothering. Fading out of existence. The only thing that keeps me from that is the misplaced love and appreciation some people so foolishly invest in me. My existence is a mistake. Nobody should care about me, and once that has happened, I would only be too happy to leave (don't worry, my cowardice will ultimately stay my hand). Unmourned and forgotten. Because that is what I deserve. I am sorry if this sounds like privileged whining- I never realised I am such a crappy person after all. Misanthropic, entitled, lazy, needy, solipsistic, whiny, self-obsessed etc. ..."