Well-known member
hi hows it going
im not going to try force any of my morals on you, but if there is one thing that has struck me about the general view on suicide its that if you dont suffer from some sort of mental disoreder as we do such as manic depression social anxiety ocd and the like then you cant understand the suffering we have to go through from just existing ,very rarely if only momentarily expereinceing happiness no one except those with these sort of problems can fathom what it is to try and live as the general population does. there are times when life just dosnt make sense,what is the point in anything or doing anything if the only ultimate truth is that we are destined for death if all i do or think or achieve in my life time is going to result in my death then what is the point, what would be the difference in dieing as a senile old man or hanging myself as a 22 yeard old and in truth there is no difference life is all about expereinceing both the good and the bad and doing what brings you happiness , the feeble minded do this is done by putting the likes of you and me down giving them a second or 2 of a feeling of supereiority i pity them because they will never know what it is to be happy we are slaves in our own minds but they are slaves to there lack of empathy and ignorance,
when i die i dont want to be remembered or glorified life is not about how others view you or remember you, that is why i dont want to commit suicide i dont want to be remembered as another martyr for mental ilness lately ive been having a sort of revelation, almost, im always planing or worrying about wahts going to happen sitting in my car willing time to hurry up so i can get home or thinking of how i can i avoid a social situation or how to get out of it quickly, sorry im finding it hard to express what my true thoughts are i guess what im tryin to say is that if you try and enjoy the simple things in life rather then wishing for the things that your ego and pride demand you to have, then life is far simpler and you can enjoy each moment rather then reaching and obsessing for things that will only bring you momentary happiness like gettting laid then life starts to make sense again
look i know mental problems like social anxiety depression and ocd its un avoidable that life will become un bearable at times but all im saying is to first try get help get yourself on medication if needs be and then try get your prioritys straight we only get 1 chance at this life its up to you to decide what you want to do with it.
im not going to try force any of my morals on you, but if there is one thing that has struck me about the general view on suicide its that if you dont suffer from some sort of mental disoreder as we do such as manic depression social anxiety ocd and the like then you cant understand the suffering we have to go through from just existing ,very rarely if only momentarily expereinceing happiness no one except those with these sort of problems can fathom what it is to try and live as the general population does. there are times when life just dosnt make sense,what is the point in anything or doing anything if the only ultimate truth is that we are destined for death if all i do or think or achieve in my life time is going to result in my death then what is the point, what would be the difference in dieing as a senile old man or hanging myself as a 22 yeard old and in truth there is no difference life is all about expereinceing both the good and the bad and doing what brings you happiness , the feeble minded do this is done by putting the likes of you and me down giving them a second or 2 of a feeling of supereiority i pity them because they will never know what it is to be happy we are slaves in our own minds but they are slaves to there lack of empathy and ignorance,
when i die i dont want to be remembered or glorified life is not about how others view you or remember you, that is why i dont want to commit suicide i dont want to be remembered as another martyr for mental ilness lately ive been having a sort of revelation, almost, im always planing or worrying about wahts going to happen sitting in my car willing time to hurry up so i can get home or thinking of how i can i avoid a social situation or how to get out of it quickly, sorry im finding it hard to express what my true thoughts are i guess what im tryin to say is that if you try and enjoy the simple things in life rather then wishing for the things that your ego and pride demand you to have, then life is far simpler and you can enjoy each moment rather then reaching and obsessing for things that will only bring you momentary happiness like gettting laid then life starts to make sense again
look i know mental problems like social anxiety depression and ocd its un avoidable that life will become un bearable at times but all im saying is to first try get help get yourself on medication if needs be and then try get your prioritys straight we only get 1 chance at this life its up to you to decide what you want to do with it.