evil girls.


New member
For the first time in nearly two years, I have a boyfriend. I am almost eighteen years old and have only been in two relationships so all of my friends are very happy for me, but some people at my school are not.
Especially two girls who talk about me to my boyfriend. They tell him horrible, untrue things about me. And while he doesn't believe what they are saying, it still hurts my feelings that someone would do this to me.
They've drawn hateful messages on my car with chalk, snicker at me as they pass me in the hallway, make gagging sounds behind my back.
I am a senior, about to graduate in two months, and I don't know what I should do: ignore it (which is what I am inclined to do), or talk to them.
please help.


Well-known member
u DONT have to take their shit.
Confront them. And if not verbally, do it physically. If u let them do whatever u want, the scars won't go away. As a kid, i wud be abused almost everyday but the times i have fought n bleeded made me feel much better than the times i stayed timid.
Whatever u do, dont just let them get away with it. Or it ll haunt u ur whole life


Well-known member
Aw! Battlestar! I am so sorry to hear what you're going through! Forget trying to "talk" to the girls, it will probably backfire and make things worse. Most likely they are jealous of you and they either think you are prettier than them or one of them has a crush on your b/f. Whatever they're problem is, you DON'T have to take it. I think the best thing to do is (look deep inside yourself and muster up the courage!!>>)... next time you are walking past and they make stupid noises at you or call out dumb things, immediately -without thinking about it- turn around, walk directly up to them and ask point blank "what is your fuc*ing problem?!!" And when they start laughing- which they probably will because they will have no idea how else to respond- look them right in the eyes and say " You ignorant little b*tches." And then walk away. Don't look back. Go directly to the principle of the school and tell them you are being harassed and you want it stopped. Don't feel bad about going to a person in authority. You have every right. They are Harassing you! They have messed with your personal belongings and they are crossing the line.

Also, you should tell your boyfriend he needs to stop talking to these two b*tches! He is not helping the situation by being "friends" with them and chatting while they are talking crap about you. In fact, his talking to them is only adding to the situation. Or, have him say to the two girls "Look. She is my girlfriend. Shut the F*ck up!" I can almost guarantee you if he confronted them point blank like that they would quit. I am so sorry you have to deal with such stupid people at what should be such a happy time for you!
They're obviously jealous, don't waste your breath on them, just ignore it. Tell your bf to stop talking to these girls, unless he is already 'friends' of his, then telling him to stop talking to them might make him want to more, so maybe just ignore what they're sayin. If they vandalise your car, call the cops on their arse. Better yet make an anonymus phonecall or letter to their mums saying what they've been up to lol
go up to them in a huge group of your friends and say 'im sorry? do you have a some sort problem with me?

if you walk past and they say something to you, turn around and say loudly 'thanks for the offer but i prefer men' so everyone can hear, and then they get laughed at.

or say "im sorry? who are you again? thats right! your the one with a jealous fixation on my boyfriend"

If they make "gagging" noise when you walk past say somethin like
"you know if you removed that c*ck from your mouth I'd be able to understand you better"

Start a rumor about them

trip them over when they walk past you then point and laugh 'have a nice trip?"


Well-known member
Hi again, Battlestar. I was feeling bad about advising you to use foul language and what not with these bullies. I don't want to give bad advice and I know how hard it can be to confront someone. I guess my point is though, you gotta show them you are not afraid of them. They see you as a target and there are two of them and only one of you. It's always easier to pick on someone when you have reinforcement with you. I wonder, is there ever a time when only one is around? I bet, if so, the one doesn't bother you then. Only when they are in a 'group'. Just shows you they are cowards! I do think you should ask your b/f to either not talk to them anymore or to tell them he doesn't want them talking about you to him ever again! You gotta get your boyfriend to stick up for you instead of just relaying to you the stupid and mean things they are telling him. If you do choose to just ignore them (which I think at the very least you should tell a teacher or principal- especially about the car incident), be comforted by the fact that they're jealous and thats the only reason they're acting this way!


Well-known member
I was bullied almost every day at high school and got beaten up a few times badly, once on my birthday, which too them was birthday beats, but taken way to far I had a bout 15 black cunts beating the shit out of me but that said there isn't a day gone by border-line obsessive lol when I don't think "I wish I had stood my own"you have to do something about this or you will regret it, probly.


I cant really say owt that hasnt already been said to be honest Krs2 and everyone else has pretty much covered it.Sometimes your best bet is too confront them.. bullies tend to go for the week and they realise you will stand up for yourself they will look for a easier target.Your best bet is to get each of them on there own like someone has already said.

I doubt going to a teacher will really help as it might not get took seriously sadly :? And from the way there acting like there in play group i seriously doubt talking to them maturley will have any effect.I know its probaly not nice for your bf to be getting told stuff about you... but at the end of the day hes with you he's ya bf.. he knows these girls obviously have it in for you if there constantly making up stuff ect If he doesnt believe them why is he listening to them... and repeating everything they say to you.He should be on your side.

Sorry if this is harsh... but if this was happening to my gf the last thing i would do is run and tell her everything girls who obviously hate her are saying,id be like if you havnt got anything good to say about her dont pissin talk to me... and if they carried on id find some way of making there life hell.I mean if he didnt even give the time of day to the crap coming out of there mouths... they probaly wouldnt even bother.


Well-known member
Turn around to face them, and calmy ask them why they persist on wasting their time trying to belittle you, and tell them to grow the heck up and stop being so pathetic!
I hate people like them! :roll:

Good luck whatever you do! :)


Active member
You have defiently gotta stand up for yourself, cuz if you dont it will defiently haunt you, i used to get picked on really bad every school year, thanks to that and not standing up for myself, i have an extremly low self esteem, and i bottle every thing up. I just let people talk to me like shit and let people walk all over me, and it may not catch up to you right away but it will and u will break down, ive been there and its something u dont wanna go through


Well-known member
I think you should call the police for them vandalizing your car. If there is no evidence, obviously theres not an option. There is standing up to them, although i'm a little unsure if that will work. I'm just as unsure about the merits of ignoring them. If we take the pros n cons... clinically...

ignoring - pros:- possibly they will grow bored and stop. (possible but i dont think very likely

cons:- possibly they will do more to get a rise out of you, or at the very least just continue

standing up to them - pros :- you will probably enjoy it. they may respect you for it and leave you alone (i dont think this is likely, but you may know their personality better to make a guess if that could happen).

cons:- its possible they'll say something worse to you in response, and then it will crumble in your face, when your hurt. (i don't mean to insult you.. i just mean to say i know how when u go from ignoring it to fighting back, they fight back too... and it can be hard to deal with it getting worse...)

it shuts down the 'go to a higher authority' route.

that said. heres things i would consider doing. call them cowards for having to go round in pairs (only if one never insults you alone.)

if they do bother you alone, next time i would deck them in face.

i dont understand what (if any) your boyfriends relationship is with these girls... that effects things... you should talk to him whatever... thats advice, not bullshit about the dumb things i would do in your situation.

police, teachers etcetera. compile what they do to you. tell on them. thats a REAL suggestion too

i hope everything works out.. let us know if you want


joeljjison said:
thats advice, not bullshit about the dumb things i would do in your situation.

Isnt advice... kinda offering someone what you would do in there posistion anyway? and besides you did say (your words now) dumb things you would do in her posistion like...

joeljjison said:
if they do bother you alone, next time i would deck them in face. .

joeljjison said:
thats a REAL suggestion too
And everyone elses.. is what not real? made out of fairy dust :lol: ok mr real..im being a bit of an ass your only trying to help someone.But theres no need to have sly digs at other peoples posts.


Well-known member
"Isnt advice... kinda offering someone what you would do in there posistion anyway? and besides you did say (your words now) dumb things you would do in her posistion like..."

I don't think so... that would imply that i believe im always right..

id say talk to her was the advice.. id say the 2nd thing was what i would do in her situation, and i dont think i should be calling that advise... more a doomed attempt to be funny, but really it was just irrelevant..

"But theres no need to have sly digs at other peoples posts."

I didn't realize i was, i still dont to be honest... though was only one thing i didn't like, and i didn't complain about it... i guess i'm just acerbic. i just feel really pretentious, and i have an irrational hatred of counsellors.. i try and avoid that by making myself look like an idiot or something :S... ill go away now.. well im sorry anyway


joeljjison said:
I didn't realize i was, i still dont to be honest... though was only one thing i didn't like, and i didn't complain about it...
You dont have to be sorry or explain yourself to me,infact i owe you one big apolagy,I totaly took your post the wrong way... and not only that,I was a complete ass about it and probaly made you feel like shit. :?

I am really sorry i feel awfull and so i should,this is ment to be a site where peeps can come and be able to relate to each other and support each other,its the last place people should get singled out and scrutinised.Please dont "go away" because one dipshit like me totaly over reacted to somthing you said :oops:


Well-known member
i was being melodramatic... i was just going to run away from this thread.

no damage done, now you've made me feel bad :wink:

well thats over now anyway :)


joeljjison said:
i was being melodramatic... i was just going to run away from this thread.

lol i do need to try and get a sence of humor from somewhere,it probaly would help :D Anyway no need to feel bad... but thanks for being cool 8)im glad its sorted aswell :)


Oh God. I hate jealous people with no lives. They're so pathetic I just.. wow.

Listen, girl - you're the one with the boyfriend. You're the bigger person by ignoring them. Don't change that.
Your boyfriend obviously has respect for you and what you do. That includes the way you're handling those girls' actions. Good for you!