Although I want to believe that everyone who has SP can overcome it, I really don't think it's realistic. For me, personally, I don't think I can overcome it because my mind has already made up it's mind about how the world works. This, ofcourse, occurred after years of experience (a lot of it negative), and repetition of negative social experiences. If people with SP were given new brains, or were able to erase all their previous memories, then yeah, they can overcome it, assuming they are also losing the part of their personality that made them vulnerable to SP in the first place. Morbid as it sounds, I am so depserate to get better than sometimes I wish I'd get into an accident and get amnesia, so I can start fresh and free from SP.
Someone wrote in another thread that SP is not just a condition or a way of life, but it is who we are. I can't agree more with that statement. This disorder of mine (and I hate the word disorder) was like a natural outgrowth of my personality, and I feel like it will always be there, no matter how hard I try to get rid of it.