ETS Surgery Pain a Week Later


New member
Hello All,

I had ETS surgery last Thursday for excessive underarm sweating. Overall the procedure was simple, the night stay at the hospital uncomfortable, but not bad and the next day at home was fine. I wasn't in too much pain until the next week started.

Admittedly, I went back to work that Monday (three days of at home recovery). Then I went to the chiropractor, but she avoided the spots where the surgery had been done.

Tuesday was when it started going downhill. The incisions now hurt like hell (they sting, not bad). But I have this strange pain between my shoulder blades. It's since radiated to my breast bone and under each breast. I can't lay on my stomach it hurts so much.

Again, admittedly, I've used the chest muscles to push, pull and lift things I probably shouldn't have (2 litres of soda, an iPad stand, etc.). But after emailing my doctor, he said it's normal to have these pains.

Question long is this going to last? Hubby and I are going on vacation in two weeks and I don't want to be in pain the whole time. Plus, we're trying to start a family as of...last night, so I want to make sure I'm only uncomfortable in one spot.

Anyone else have this issue? How long did it take to go away?


Active member
You only had underarm sweating? you should have done MiraDry man. ETS is the last resort. Many people have problems with it. Good luck to you though and hope someone out there can have an answer.


New member
I had absolutely terrible underarm sweating to the point where I had to wear sweaters in the summer. I tried MiraDry. I even tried the pill. Nothing worked and I was fed up. Now I'm happily dry but in a bit of pain.