ETS ..A Living Hell


Well-known member
Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy surgery was performed on me in 2002 for hyperhidrosis . In 2003 I became arthritic, developed Raynauds, lost thyroid-gained too much weight , extreme pain in arms from shoulders to fingertips, fatigue, a weird rash on my neck, pits in my nails, and constant headache. I was not informed of any of these side effects prior to surgery. Dr has history of malpractice.I have now read reports comparing this surgery to Lobotomy, and side effects mimic fibromyalgia. Numerous Internet forums report all of us feel nothing emotionally anymore—as if we were unplugged. I recently discovered via my medical records that i have an unusual lung condition that sometimes prevents the surgery being done. Instead of canceling surgery--Dr went ahead and cut my nerves(instead of clamping).never told me about my lung--or being cut. :evil:

considering ETS for sweat/blushing?? visit to read all about what Dr's WONT tell you.


Well-known member
hey there

I agree....and it doesnt help that dr's are so highly reguarded for thier expertise, patients easily fall for the lies. In my forum we've had people who asked dr about all the side effects, and dr's blow it off like its a small % of failure. It took me 2 years to figure out ETS is what wrecked my body/life. so i am certain more patients are out there wondering same thing.

seeing as how i just discovered this in July, i have coped in a variety of ways. for me , its drinking-yelling..then acceptance..then end result.

as of today i have emailed 100 people/entities (some federal) about ETS. and as u may know, a BIG investigation in california on the *cash-cow* as its being referred to. I cant elaborate any more on that at this time tho..i will post info as soon as i am allowed

curious..are there any Garza Patients here? (from houston )

thanks for replying Pinker :)


the info about the bad side of ETS is very much appreciated :)

its good to be cautious about these things. im looking for a doctor now. There is something going on at Columbia and some places in the city im looking into. Ill keep this in mind. thanks so much.


New member
Re: ETS dr

Alvinsduckie said:
I had G arza

I also had Garza, and its been about 3 years and my hands are just as bad as they were before the surgery, iam so upset and i called him about a year after because thats when they started to sweat again and all he said was "sorry buddy", i was like wtf, he said to come in and he could give me another surgery or some shyt. I told him no and asked him what he could do for me, he precribed drysol and still to this day im wiping my hands my pants every 5 seconds, this really pisses me off because i paid so much for the surgery and got no results, i remember dude saying that surgery was like 99.9% sucessful...BS! Anyone else have Garza in Houston contact me please, id like to hear about.


Re: ETS dr

floods said:
Alvinsduckie said:
I had G arza

I also had Garza, and its been about 3 years and my hands are just as bad as they were before the surgery, iam so upset and i called him about a year after because thats when they started to sweat again and all he said was "sorry buddy", i was like wtf, he said to come in and he could give me another surgery or some shyt. I told him no and asked him what he could do for me, he precribed drysol and still to this day im wiping my hands my pants every 5 seconds, this really pisses me off because i paid so much for the surgery and got no results, i remember dude saying that surgery was like 99.9% sucessful...BS! Anyone else have Garza in Houston contact me please, id like to hear about.

Hey floods, I'm just curious how much you paid for it? I'm assuming you paid out of pocket?

I was thinking about doing the same thing but its hard to find any info on cost.

I've heard of this doctor too, looks like its best to avoid that particular individual. :?


Well-known member

petition to view/sign


Well-known member
glad things went well for you, please keep us posted in the coming years as to how you are doing 8)

Im sure you have heard of the *honeymoon* principle so please excuse some of us for being leery of success stories that are recent.

thanks again :)