

Well-known member
I've lost count of the amount of times I've just wanted to rewind the clock and start my childhood again, so that I could claim back all the 'normal' experiences and opportunities everyone goes through when they're growing up.

Sometimes, I just want to pack everything up and move to a different city or country and start afresh elsewhere, so that I can forget the 'mess' I've made of my life here.

Trouble is, is that I'll be taking my social anxiety with me, so I don't think it'll be any easier wherever I go, or will it?

Anyone else feel like this, or has had the nerve to start afresh elsewhere?
Yes, I keep trying to start afresh, it doesnt work though. At the end of 7th grade I moved schools, and then for ninth grade I went away to boarding school (which probably made my SA worse) and the in tenth grade I came back from boarding school. Every time I moved I convinced myself it would be different this time, and that I'd make loads of friends and be popular and happy, and then I get depressed because every time it is exactly the same as before. It's like SA will always be with me. No matter where I go or what I do, I cant get rid of it.


Well-known member
No it never seems to work for me .I had tried to start afresh but where every you go you take your problem with you.


Well-known member
Zipper, I'm 26 years young (or old!).

I think my age really does get to me at times and really does increase my level of urgency.

I see all my friends and family settling down and getting on with their lives (moving house, getting married, changing jobs etc). Where as I feel I'm still at the starting blocks so to speak, wanting the race to be replayed.


Well-known member
i can relate to this only 20 but i feel like im wasting my golden years by not having girl friends and a good social life. I really wish i had started treatment much earlier :(

But hey...its not too late for any1! You cant say that its been all bad, im sure you have had some good points in your life. I just hope you and every1 else on here can find a helpfull solution asap!
This sounds VERY familiar to me too, Icelad.
None of us can do anything about the past, all we can do is try to make the future different.
Although I do feel there has been one benefit from spending my teenage years alone - I think it enabled me to develope my own character as I never had to pretend to like certain types of music or wear particular fashions or have certain opinions and beliefs just to fit in with friends etc.


Well-known member
Yes...I feel the same way. I wish I could go back and re-do everything...I'd try to make everything COMPLETELY different. And I would love to move somewhere a big city, actually.


You should all move to Cincinnati, we can form an SA majority the same way the cubans did in Miami, and we can lobby our elected officials to make all kinds of laws beneficial to SA people :twisted: 8) :D