Envious of your sibling or friend?


Active member

Im not sure if this is the right forum to talk about this, but i will tell you guys, neways. lol Well, has any one been envious of your younger sibling mostly all your life? I'm 21yrs old and i feel that i have gone though more obstacles then my little sis, from an eating disorder,depression,conflicts with my mother and i'v over come the eating disorder, but now because of my complexion i have developed sp :roll: Okie, I not trying to whine about my life, but i feel that you guys are my friends and mb some of you could relate to what im going through.My younger sister is really naturally pretty almond eyes long thick lashes medetranian skin mis spelled* and perkier nice more cleavage then mine lol.Shes only 18yrs old and in her first yr of university yes she even has the brains to and personality lol every time i look at her i give her the finger im sorry thats just how i feel.
Don't get me wrong, i dont think im an ugly duckling iv been told im pretty to a few times but mostly cute lol the only flaw i would say is that she kinda has a overbite but is not really noticable.Okay i dont talk to her and totally ignore her and iv heard of siblings who are jelous of there older sisters or brothers but not really younger siblings.Lol i even met my ex boyfriend pretending i was ma sister i no pretty lame, and he fell in love with the picture but then we met and later dated it was really weird that he didnt show that much that he cared about the girl in the picture. Actually the picture i showed him later he told me that he thought that she was chubby.Well neways im still insecure about how i look concerning my skin so thats why im housbound the only time i will go outside is if it has nething to help with my skin.Can any one relate to ma story?


Well-known member
um yeah i can relate but its in a different way. i feel like me and one of my best friends have sort of switched lives, and it pisses me off. like in high school i sort of had everything together, got along with my mother and everything, and i thought that i would just go to college and everything would work itself out. my friend didn't get along w/ her mother at all she didn't even live with her, she didn't know what to do after high school, moved from place to place.

but after this year im just all messed up, me and my mom fight alot because i don't know how to control my anger. im in college and i feel like i am throwing money away because i don't think that im in the right major.
i used to have such good luck in life but i guess it all been used up. and my friend is now getting along with her mom, found something that she absolutley loves to do, and keeps telling me about all of this great stuff she is going to do and it just makes me feel so horrible.

i just hate myself so much, and i think i need help but i can't talk to anyone i know so that's why im here. but its getting worse. i too feel like im just spilling about myself but i can't help it, its great to find people to relate to because im suppost to be this all-american girl to my family and its just not me anymore.


Active member
I often get quite jealous of my sister as she goes out with her friends every weekend and here's me sitting at home by myself :cry: but she's also very kind to me & sometimes brings me along to things like the movies which is one of the only times I am happy.


Well-known member
Yes, though I'm almost embarrassed to type it. I'm not a vengeful person you see, but sometimes I find myself immensly jealous of my younger brother. And it does bother me that I'm the older sister, yet he is so far advanced in the social department.
He's sixteen and has had 4+ girlfriends, and he always has a new batch of friends every year, usually forgetting about the other ones. He makes relationships quickly and easily. He claims to be really "in love" right now, which is kind of like salt to my wound. I'm nineteen and have never had anyone, really.
Also, my bro is not really nice about it to me. He sort of rubs it in like the annoying little brother he is. :roll: He'll say, "You must be a lesbian or something" When I know I am not. Being envious of someone just lowers your self esteem even more. I try not to compare, but it's really hard when it's always in your face.
So yeah, I know where you're coming from. :wink:


Well-known member
Yes, I'm very jealous and angry with my sibling. In fact, I really don't like them at all.

While growing up, they did their best to destroy my self esteem, and used to bully me mentally quite regularly. Now, there they are, happily getting on with their life without a care in the world, while I'm very much 'stuck' at the 'start line'.


Well-known member
Yeah . . . even though i'm a guy, i can get pretty jealous of my lil sis who's 1.5 years younger then me, because she's friends with all the girls in my grade who don't even know me, and then she's friends with the guys in my grade who are complete jerks to me. *sigh* it's hard for a guy with SA to watch his li'll sis flirting with the jerks in his grade believe you me, just want to step in and snap every one of them :roll: .


Well-known member
I can be jealous of older sister at times when:
~she's a perfect straight A student and I'm struggle to keep my grades up above water.
~She is able to form friendships easily while I'm trapped being a loner.
~She knows how to be bossy while I hate to ideal of ruling someone else's actions.
~She has an attitude and knows what she wants in life while I hide my attitude behind a shield of timidness and have no idea what I going to do with my life.

However, I don't blame her for being herself or my my problems.