Enough is enough!!!


Well-known member
I can't sleep because I'm thinking about a lot of stuff these days.

I'm 22. I mean, come on. I have to start my life somewhere. I was always telling myself that no, I'm too old, can't start now because it's too late... if I finish my courses, I'll enter university at a later age...
The thing is... the more I say that, the more I stay the same.

Come on! I'm a human like anybody else! If I don't take care of me then who will?!?!?! All these negative reactions toward me are because I DON'T LIKE MYSELF!
People are mirrors, they reflect what you're sending! If you like yourself, then people will not treat you like crap. Even if they are, I have to defend myself and not let them take my dignity!

And I have to fix my social Phobia so that it may be a social whocare. Yes, social phobia is a problem and I have to acknowledge it so that I can be better. But Acknowledging my problem is only the first step. The second one is to actually FIX my social phobia.

I have to consider myself as a normal human being. If I always say that I have a disability and depend on other people for my own need then... I'm a prisoner. I have given up my freedom.
Even the disabled in wheelchairs doesn't like to call themselves disabled. Why? Because being called a disabled means you can't live normally because of a problem. But even tho they can't walk, they succeed! They even play basket-ball!!!

Why wouldn't I be able to do that! Love yourself nope1!! You're a human being like anybody else.

So now, I have to work so that I fix this "Social Phobia". The keyword is phobia. I have to FACE my fears.
How? by getting a job that will FORCE me into a CORNER talking to customers so that I force my REAL me to COME OUT.

The real me is hidden somewhere and I have to force him out by force! And Life is hard, not easy. Only by succeeding in hardship that I will be able to move forward.
There no shortcuts, no easy way out.

I have to think this as a game. Yes, a game.
In a video game, there are various puzzles to solve. And the more you solve, the more it becomes interesting, the more you become proficient which means your self-confidence will jump!

I think social phobia is like VARIOUS plastic bags around you limiting you to reveal yourself and to see the world. And I have to destroy those bags. Only by doing so that I can truly succeed in life.

That's why I'm saying that I have to force myself into a corner.
Because I know that I'll always find the EASY way out and by doing that, I'll just get into this vicious cycle: afraid of talking to people, low self-esteem, don't want to reveal himself, don't want to talk to people...

Sorry if this seemed long but I had to get this out from my chest because I couldn't sleep.

I just hope that I can succeed in my plans. I truly had enough! trust me! I'm suffering like hell and I ABSOLUTELY know how you feel. It's hell :(

And my message to this whole community. PLEASE don't give up. We have to think ourselves as people. And I SERIOUSLY hope that EACH AND EVERYONE here will be able to succeed no matter what!


Well-known member
Is that a challenge?! If so, then I'll gladly accept!!!

We should talk on MSN. I'll send you my e-mail.


Active member
Im in the same boat. Im now 24 working a dead end part time job and by the time I get home I am mentally exhausted. I work in retail and I am an on my last legs in a way. The only reason I continue to go to work is because I have a car loan. At the moment I don't have friends, I alienated my last friend by making excuses not to go out.

I grew up with OCD and was always socially anxious. I have not had OCD since I was sixteen thanks to meds but now suffer from SA (and did in the past but didn't know it). The last year of high school I was completely burned out and any free period I had I spent at home. I had friendships although they were always individuals from different groups. I can not deal with more than one person at a time. I f I serve groups of people at work I get really anxious.

When I was 18 I always said I will be right by 20 when 20 I will be fine by 22 and the cycle never ends. When I was younger I was anxious as and severely depressed. If I won Tattslotto I would never leave the house again.

The sad thing is I am actually good looking or so everyonbe tells me despite the fact I have the complexion of a Vampire and constant bags under my eyes.

As far as challenges goes I do my best work when backed into a corner. Some days I am good and other days I am dreadful but usually I am a mixture of the 2. The largest part of me wants to be a recluse but a small part wants the norm.
Good luck with your challenge. At the moment I don't have the mental aptitude to apply myself, hopefully oneday.
Thankfully I can sleep thanks to remeron only problem is the anger outbursts, think Adam Sandler in Punch Drunk love.
Soon I will be 30 8O
Hopefully the mentality won't be the same.

Ranting is fun :D


Your never too old!

People go back to school, start their lives at all different ages. I'm 30 and have yet to start mine, so don't feel bad.