Enlightening Society about SAD.


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My name is Corin Gunawidjaja from Indonesia. About a year ago, I was diagnosed with social anxiety and I thought for a second that if I went to a therapist, it would be a big step into the right direction. I told my family about my diagnosis and they were extremely dissapointed at me; they kept telling me that my "social anxiety is just an excuse for me being lazy to go out and socialize with people"
It was a heartbreaking to know that your family, the people who would never leave you alone, wasn't supporting me in my medication in overcoming social anxiety. It has gotten worse and worse because no matter how hard I tried to explain to them how difficult it was for me to leave the house to have a good time with my friends at school, they would ignore it and will start to bash on want to go to therapy, calling it "a waste of money."

Since then I have always wanted to make other people understand about the life of a person with social anxiety, because I know that most of my friends think that social anxiety is just the same with being anti-social, that we don't want to hang out with people and would rather enjoy being in our own homes 24/7 while in reality, it's the complete opposite. Because of this and as part of a school project, I decided to create a YouTube video about Social Anxiety because maybe my video can help other people who are going through the same experiences as me or who are confused and lost because of the burden of being socially anxious resting on their shoulders. My main focus is to enlighten/raise awareness to people about the understanding of social anxiety because I believe that people who are diagnosed with social anxiety or with any other psychological disorder should be treated with equal respect as other people who are not going through the same experiences as us. The video is based mainly from my personal experiences with Social Anxiety.

The link to the video is (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vrzmVYuuVg). I would really appreciate it if I am able to spread the word about social anxiety and to hopefully help society to stop making assumptions or stereotyping about people who are diagnosed. We all can get to know people as individuals and give everyone a chance. Let’s take the time understand and talk about social anxiety, reduce the stigma, and help people to overcome it.

Thank You.