dropping out of my job


my dad got me this job through his work friends as a telemarketing specialist.
I went for the first day of the training session in an office environment and it damn well freaked the shit out of me.
I had to learn this new computer software programme and when the manager was explaining it to me i could'n concentrate coz i was sooo
damn nervous.
I started sweating and my heart beat got stronger and faster.
It got worse when the manager told me that i had to make 80 outbound calls to customers for business. and me having SA just went into panic mode.
When work finished i went home and cried real bad. i told my dad that i couldn't take the pressure of the job and that i didn' want to do it anymore.
My dad tells me its all because it was my first day at work.I'm yet to meet someone who has cried when they got home coz it was the first day at there work.

Now i just don't know where to begin. should i just stay at home or try and find another job.....both are as frustrating.

Has anyone had a similar experience .... i would love to heat from u


has anyone had a similar experience,


Well-known member
hey, i had a similar time in my first 2 weeks at my current job. I have to go to various places and fix computers and IT equipment. Dealing with new people every day, alot of time alone and pressure to get things done asap.

First day, i was too nervous for breakfast, as i was gettin trained to use the software i couldnt take any of it in, as all i was trying to do was plan an escape, or think of an excuse to get out of there. This carried on for about a week, but you really do get used to it. Im sure you are going to be able to do your job. First day is ALWAYS the hardest from an anxiety POV so you have done the hardest part already. I think you should stick at it and come back and tell us how you get on.


yeah me to every day is a panic im an agent for my brothers real estate company and im meet new people all the time and always feel like my heart is about to exlpode when i mess up something.


i don't write english very well but i just wanted to tell you that the same hapened to me. i worked in telemarketing for 2 years and i always cryed at the end of the day. it was a nightmare. :cry:


Well-known member
I did telemarketing too and its a pain, bust just remember these people your calling dont know you what so ever and they wouldnt know one bit if you had Sa or not. If they are rude or nasty its more for the phone call not you in general. You should keep trying it even though its hard, maybe in a few weeks youll be totally used to it.


telemarketing and people around me

with my telemarketing job that i had, i was supposed to speak into a headset which put me off, and i was too nervous to speak out loud in the office coz i was afraid that i wouldn't sound right and make a fool of myself. what mad i worse was the fact that there was this real hot telemarketer chic there who was seated next to me and i didn't want to sound a fool in front of her.

god i wish i was dead


Well-known member
yeah ive been thought the same thing. Gotta a job in telesales a while back althought when I went for the interview I had no idea it was telesales I just went coz my friend said id be working for 02 inputting data. Went for the interview and passed and had to go though this nightmare training where it just consisted being put in groups learning information relating to the company then having to present it to the rest of the group. I somehow made it though the training and was scared to death my first day having to speak though a headset and I think i messed up the first 25 calls i did and I had some really loud confident girl next to me which made it worse. Although it was hard at first I learn what to say pretty quickly after a while of saying the same thing over and over again it becomes a lot easier and i made a few friends and started enjoying the job.

Stick it out it will get easier!!!


Well-known member
I worked in a sort of shop once (paintings), and I was expected to deal with customers, listen to their needs, provide advice and try to convince them to buy something in the end. Well I must say that I never learned, I didn't give up and I kept going until the owner fired me.

But I do think that if a job consists of somewhat repetitive tasks than it is a lot easier to get used, because you can learn to do things automatically despite anxiety, and once you have learned anxiety itself diminishes because you realize that you are able to cope with your tasks.

As for the beautiful self confident girl working next to you, I know something about that as well and it troubled me also, but what I did was to simply tell to myself very clearly that there was no hope for me to make friends with her, and that I must force myself to simply ignore her, whatever she thought of me.

Don't give up your job, at least for a while!