Drinking in public


Well-known member

I have a problem with drinking in front of people.

This is my worse thing at the moment. I get REALLY anxious if I'm at someones house and they make a coffee....I just can't pick it up and drink it!
I f I have an alcoholic drink, then if I can actually get the first couple down, then it gets easier!! But sometimes I just can't drink and its like torture...As I'm anxious and Know a BIG glass of wine will help...But can't bloody drink it!

Does anyone else have anything like this? Are there things you struggle with doing in front of people?

ANY feedback would be much appreciated



Well-known member
I have the some proble, but it is ating in public

Its almost simarlar to your prob

So I know what you mean , its torture!!!!!!


Active member
Sometimes I cant drink, my head sort of shakes/twitches and it's awful. Sometimes feel like that when eating too it's when people are looking right at me it happens


Well-known member
Hiya Dill

Its good to know I'm not totally alone with this.... Although not good for you as I know how bloody horrible it is!
Any idea what causes it?



Well-known member
Hiya Fiona

I get a nervous spasm in my shoulders, when I try and drink in front of people. It makes me feel like such an idiot!
When I was at college I used to twitch sometimes when I was drinking tea, and then pretend it was because I'd scalded my mouth. In the end I started buying milkshake so I could drink it straight from the bottle!

Thanks alot for replying..



Active member
Hi Blubs it's horrible isn't it but since coming on here I know I am not alone! I did not realise SA was so widespread as everyone in the real world seems to be ultra confident!

I do make excuses not to go out or only have a small drink or something if I know I am going to get the shake thing. And sometimes I'm fine then suddenly it strikes. Really embarrasing and I dont want to tell ppl as that would make it worse!


Well-known member
blubs...i get like that too....but for me it's worse when i have to eat in front of others....one time i had a meeting for work.. 8O ...i was already in a state....i ordered a salad...big mistake....very awkward to eat....and loud and crunchy :x ....i felt like everybody was watching me eat and just getting the fork to my mouth was a challenge....i'm such a freak :roll:


I get that too its horrid as i always avoid pubs unless i have had a wine or something alcoholic at home.As for eating i will never order rice as its painfully awkward as cant lift the fork......... not good... im only 26.Have you guys had to buy the round as everyone is sat down ! it feels like my hand is going to open and the glass will smash on the floor............... your not alone


Well-known member
Oh yeah, eating in public, *shudder*, I hate that so much, luckily I'm o.k with drinking though.


Well-known member
I find it hard to eat and drink in front of people too, I dont really understand why. I think its because we are doing something(eating, drinking) that can be critisized, anything that can be judged we can get self conscience of. any other theories. I feel your pain blubs, we cant even injoy a simple meal. :(


Active member
This is going to sound wrong , but its so nice to hear other people say these things , i have sat in a cafe looking at a cup of tea and my throat has closed , theres no way i can drink it , ive lost count of how many times i have had to walk out of cafes / restraunts , bearing in mind i am a builder and am expected to go to the cafe with the lads .
