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I was always shy as a kid, but being shy is not a bad thing. About 7 years ago I was in a serious car accident although I was relatively uninjured, a few weeks later someone relatively close to me died in a car accident (not family), i wasn't hit by sadness necessarily as much as how surreal it all felt. That night i slept at a friends house and i kept thinking about this all night, it got me very nervous and uncomfortable, to the point where i puked. This was the last time i ever slept outside of my bed. If i ever tried to sleep over anywhere i would immediately get the same feeling to the point where i would simply have to leave or be physically sick, an easy choice for a one time occasion, however in retrospect this is probably how my problem manifested. This same feeling began creeping into simply any unfamiliar situation, to the point where i haven't much changed in 7 years. I'm in college now, which is ok, but i still haven't moved out. It's not an attachment issue since my parents leave all the time and i have absolutely no problem (i actually feel better alone) it's just simply unfamiliar situations. For a while back there i thought my only problem was sleeping over at another person's house and as soon as i took one night at someone else's house i'd be magically cured... To think back i think it might have been that easy, but now it's too late.
I was actually more able to function in the real world 7 years ago than i am now. I've been to a psychologist for it, but i don't think it helps me much, i plan to see a psychiatrist soon but i'm not pleased with that either. I'm studying math at the university level and i do quite well since it's the only thing i have going for me, but to pursue my field i will need to move out of my city when i finish my bachelors. The reason why i'm not keen on going to a psychiatrist is i'm afraid of the medication giving me an altered state of consciousness where i can't do math as well (i'm not a genius or anything, but it does require a lot of thinking to be in my field).
Needless to say i've never had a girlfriend. I once had a mutual attraction with a girl in high school but just thinking about her would get me to the point where i was physically sick, so i think it's self explanatory why i'm not good with girls (not that i'm particularly eligible even if i could date). Obviously relationships with the opposite sex is important to most people, and the later i get started the less chance i'll have success with any meaningful relationship.
So I think it's evident there's a lot of problems i have that i need to resolve, if possible. My main question is if anyone has had a condition like this what steps they took to improve their situation (I will admit i have confronted a few of these frightening situations and it takes about a dozen times of being in the situation to almost rid myself of the anxiety associated with it) but i don't think i will ever be able to simply overcome it, since there's always new situations in a regular person's life that would torment me. Another question i had was how long did it take a psychiatrist to prescribe medication for an anxiety disorder...
Yea so, I know most of this is not necessary but it gives a background and if anyone could help me out that'd be appreciated
I was actually more able to function in the real world 7 years ago than i am now. I've been to a psychologist for it, but i don't think it helps me much, i plan to see a psychiatrist soon but i'm not pleased with that either. I'm studying math at the university level and i do quite well since it's the only thing i have going for me, but to pursue my field i will need to move out of my city when i finish my bachelors. The reason why i'm not keen on going to a psychiatrist is i'm afraid of the medication giving me an altered state of consciousness where i can't do math as well (i'm not a genius or anything, but it does require a lot of thinking to be in my field).
Needless to say i've never had a girlfriend. I once had a mutual attraction with a girl in high school but just thinking about her would get me to the point where i was physically sick, so i think it's self explanatory why i'm not good with girls (not that i'm particularly eligible even if i could date). Obviously relationships with the opposite sex is important to most people, and the later i get started the less chance i'll have success with any meaningful relationship.
So I think it's evident there's a lot of problems i have that i need to resolve, if possible. My main question is if anyone has had a condition like this what steps they took to improve their situation (I will admit i have confronted a few of these frightening situations and it takes about a dozen times of being in the situation to almost rid myself of the anxiety associated with it) but i don't think i will ever be able to simply overcome it, since there's always new situations in a regular person's life that would torment me. Another question i had was how long did it take a psychiatrist to prescribe medication for an anxiety disorder...
Yea so, I know most of this is not necessary but it gives a background and if anyone could help me out that'd be appreciated