Dreams and anxiety


Does anyone wake up anxious ever? or wake up anxious due to a nightmare or dream?

I wake up anxious a lot even when I havent had a bad dream...and I also wake up anxious if I had a normal or slightly weird dream....doesnt even have to be a "nightmare"

Im writing this since I just woke up anxious after 3hrs hours sleep...and the dream I just had wasnt scary
I'd a dream a psychic rang me and warned me to stay away from water, then my housemate was there - thought she was gonna kill me. Woke up so anxious that i arranged to see a psychic on Wednesday!!


Well-known member
Whenever I'm back from university during the holidays, my dog sleeps on the bed with me and every night I wake up in a complete panic, convinced that she's dead and that it's probably my fault, like I accidentally suffocated her or something. I rush to feel her stomach to check if she's still breathing and sometimes it takes a while for me to register that she is. This can happen multiple times throughout the night. I really don't need these rotten tricks that my subconscious plays on me to understand how much I love my dog and how scared I am of losing her so I don't know why it happens.


Well-known member
OMG funny you say this. I had a bugger of a dream last night. Everyone was making fun of me, saying how useless i was. Someone even said, you're 18 and i bet you've never had a girlfriend, and i said no. That really got to me, and i woke up crying slightly. Strange.
Ugh i hate those dreams when everyone's laughing at you. And sometimes its even more intense than real life! Though my emotions are VERY extreme in dreams - don't know if it's because i can Lucid dream or not!