Dr. Richards Step By Step Log


New member
Hey this is my first post here. I am going to be logging my progress on step by step here. This might help some people understand what the program is about and will also keep me focused in seeing the program through.

Firstly i'll explain the severity of my anxiety. I'd say its moderate. It's mild enough that I can start conversations with "safe" (Family or not intimidating) people/zones but severe enough that I have low self esteem when facing people and with unfamiliar people I can get really anxious. The anxiety doesn't stop me from working in an office and i've travelled to numerous international destinations even but I suffer from anxiety everyday going out.

Since tape 1 is essentially an introduction to SA and isn't a therapy tape I won't discuss it here but for those that don't know-It basically explains what SA is and what are it's symptoms and it's history etc.

I've already done with 2 days of the therapy so I am to going to explain what is to be done the first week and provide my day 1 and day 2 logs as separate posts.

What is to be done the 1st week-

a) Practice slow talk aloud (doesn't mean shouting just speaking) 10 minutes a day preferably to a piece which is positive, calming or relaxing.

b) Try catching ANT's and distract yourself after. (This depends but initially this is an all day task noticing they are there, catching them and then distracting yourself. If done correctly you will experience calm and relaxation at least for 10 seconds up to hours depending on success)

C) Slow talk aloud 3-4 appropriate Rational coping statements twice a day.


Do NOT use slow talk your first week. As suggested practice for a week then start with a relative or safe person. Go on from there.


New member
First day Tuesday 18th September

My gym experience is a positive one. While lifting weights I usually get anxious but using the ANT method I am able to feel quite relaxed and calm for most of the exercise period but have to constantly use the statement to catch it nearly every two minutes. Quite calmer in the changing room and the cafe where I get tend to get nervous too.

My setback happens as I leave the gym. Outside the 4-5 valet drivers are sitting facing you so suddenly my mind starts racing and I get very anxious. I am too anxious to construct the ANT statement in my mind as I can't say it out loud I get very nervous and it shows but they happen to see this only for a second as I have to turn to get to the road. This is where I feel the most nervous as a person also waiting to cross the road sees me and keeps staring because he can see an awkward expression on my face.

However when I cross the road I cut the anxiety somewhat and am able to walk through the busier side of the road. The side which I normally don't take.

So all in all encouraging. Even though I had setbacks I was happy to see progress in terms of relaxation and calm on the very first day. A word of caution though that this might not happen with everyone and even Dr Richards says don't expect them to work immediately. One of my symptoms is that my hands start shaking when people are looking and I have to use them and am anxious. Well in the gym just next to the tap was a guy i felt intimidated by but without any shaking or trembling I managed to drink water numerous times.

This is my only outing today so that is it for Day 1.
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